15-year-old stabs older brother

By Jennifer P. Rendon

An 18-year-old died in a knife attack early morning of July 22, 2023, at their own house in Balasan, Iloilo.

Amply Tamesis succumbed to a stab injury on the right lower portion of his chest.

Family members rushed Amply to Jesus Colmenares Memorial District Hospital but he did not pull through.

Tamesis died at the hands of his 15-year-old brother.

Master Sergeant Eddie Mars Magbanua, Balasan police investigator, said the incident happened at 4:15 a.m. on Saturday but they only received the report at 10:10 a.m.

It was the boys’ father, Eliseo Pacheco, 55, who personally went to the police station to report what happened.

He also turned in the young assailant.

According to Eliseo, his two sons got into a heated argument at their house in Barangay Dolores.

Prior to that, Amply went on a drinking spree Friday with his cousins and friends and went home early Saturday morning.

But soon after, his cousins and friends arrived to look for a certain John’s vape. They suspected that Amply took it.

A verbal tussle ensued between them until the suspect was awakened by the noise.

Eliseo admonished his son but he left shortly, as he had to get their farm carabao that would be used for the town’s festival on the same day.

Magbanua said that the suspect sided with his cousin.

At the height of their argument, the victim punched him with an improvised brass knuckle or knuckle duster.

This allegedly sent the victim into a fit of rage. He subsequently stabbed his older brother once.

As this developed, the family has not decided on pursuing criminal charges against the teen suspect who is in the custody of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office.