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Saturday, July 27, 2024, 9:01 am


At Daily Guardian, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity and accuracy. We understand that, despite our best efforts, errors can occur. Our corrections policy outlines how we handle errors in spelling, facts, and context in our news reports and, in exceptional cases, our commentaries.

Scope of the Policy
This policy applies to all news content produced by Daily Guardian, including articles, reports, and digital content. Commentary pieces are generally expressions of opinion and are not subject to correction under this policy unless they contain errors that pose potential harm to the public or vulnerable sectors.

Types of Corrections
Spelling Errors: We will correct spelling errors as soon as they are identified and verified.
Factual Errors: If a factual error is made, it will be corrected promptly. This includes errors related to names, dates, places, and any misrepresented facts.
Contextual Errors: Errors of context that may mislead readers or distort the intended meaning of the report will be corrected. This includes the misuse of information, quotes, or images that could alter the perceived accuracy of the news report.
Commentaries: Corrections in commentaries will be considered if the error is factually incorrect and poses potential harm to the public or vulnerable sectors.

Reporting Errors
Readers who wish to report errors in any news content or commentaries can contact us via: Email: editorial@dailyguardian.com.ph

Please provide the following information when reporting an error:
– The title and date of the article or report.
– A description of the error.
– Any relevant information that can help verify the correction.

Correction Process
Upon receiving a correction request, our editorial team will review the claim. If the error is verified:
– A correction will be made to the online article as soon as possible.
– A note will be added at the end of the article indicating the nature of the correction and the date it was corrected.
– For significant errors that materially change the meaning of the news report or commentary, a note may also be placed at the beginning of the article for clarity.

Daily Guardian is committed to transparency in its correction process. Significant corrections will be logged on a dedicated corrections page on our website, where readers can see an archive of corrections made to our news content.

Contact Us
For more information or to report an error, please contact our editorial team at editorial@dailyguardian.com.ph. We value our readers’ trust and strive to correct errors promptly and transparently.



Daily Guardian is committed to delivering accurate, reliable news and information. Our fact-checking policy outlines the methodology we use to verify facts, the selection criteria for topics subject to fact-checking, and our approach to publication and correction of information. This policy ensures our audience receives content that is not only informative but also truthful and trustworthy.


  1. Verification Process: Our fact-checking team employs a rigorous verification process that includes cross-referencing information with credible sources, consulting with subject matter experts, and utilizing reputable fact-checking databases. We prioritize primary sources and evidence-based research in our verification efforts.
  2. Transparency: We are transparent about the sources of our information, providing citations and links where possible. This allows readers to assess the credibility of the information themselves.
  3. Impartiality: Our fact-checking is conducted impartially, without regard to political or ideological biases. Our goal is to ascertain the truthfulness of information, regardless of where it originates.

Selection of Topics

  1. Potential for Disinformation: We prioritize topics that have a high potential for disinformation, especially those circulating widely on social media and other digital platforms. This includes claims that are viral or have significant public interest.
  2. Potential for Harm: Topics with the potential to cause harm, such as misinformation related to health, safety, and public security, receive priority in our fact-checking process. This includes, but is not limited to, misinformation about vaccines, public health policies, and emergency situations.
  3. Public Interest: We consider the level of public interest in a topic as a criterion for fact-checking. Topics that affect a significant portion of the population or have a considerable impact on public discourse are prioritized.


  1. Fact-Check Reports: Once a claim has been fact-checked, we publish a detailed report outlining the claim, the evidence examined, the verification process, and the conclusion. These reports are designed to be clear and accessible, enabling readers to understand how the conclusion was reached.
  2. Transparency and Sources: All fact-check reports include references to the sources used in the verification process. When possible, we link directly to source materials so readers can review the evidence themselves.
  3. Highlighting Corrections: If the fact-checking process reveals that Daily Guardian has previously published incorrect information, we will prominently correct the original article and link to the fact-check report for transparency.


  1. Responsiveness: We are committed to correcting errors promptly. If readers believe we have made an error in our fact-checking process or have additional evidence to consider, we encourage them to contact us.
  2. Correction Process: Corrections will be made in the original fact-check report and noted clearly with the date of the correction. Significant corrections will be announced through our usual publication channels to ensure they reach our audience.
  3. Feedback and Appeals: Feedback on our fact-checking process and conclusions is welcome. We provide a clear process for readers to submit feedback or appeal a fact-check conclusion. Appeals are reviewed by a senior editorial team for consideration.

Contact Us

To report a potential error, provide feedback, or submit a topic for fact-checking, please contact our editorial team at editorial@dailyguardian.com.ph. Our commitment to accuracy and truthfulness is paramount, and we value the role our readers play in maintaining these standards.



Daily Guardian recognizes the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing our journalistic practices, improving operational efficiency, and providing our audience with innovative content. This policy outlines our principles and guidelines for the ethical use of AI within our organization, covering fair use, copyright protection, human resource management and protection, editorial content, and corrections.

Fair Use and Copyright Protection

  1. Respecting Copyright: AI technologies deployed by Daily Guardian for content creation, data analysis, or any other purpose will respect copyright laws and intellectual property rights. AI-generated content will only utilize sources that are in the public domain or for which we have obtained rights.
  2. Attribution: When AI is used to generate content based on external sources, appropriate attribution will be given to the original source, in accordance with fair use principles and copyright laws.

Human Resource Management and Protection

  1. Complementing Human Effort: AI is viewed as a tool to augment the capabilities of our human staff, not replace them. We will use AI to automate repetitive tasks, allowing our journalists and staff to focus on high-value activities that require human judgment and creativity.
  2. Training and Development: Daily Guardian commits to providing its staff with training and resources on the effective and ethical use of AI in their work. This includes understanding AI capabilities, limitations, and the ethical considerations involved in its use.
  3. Workplace Impact: We will monitor the impact of AI on the workplace, taking steps to ensure that the deployment of AI technologies supports a positive working environment and does not lead to unjust displacement of staff.

Editorial Content

  1. Transparency: When AI is used in the creation, editing, or production of editorial content, such use will be disclosed to readers in a transparent manner. This ensures that our audience is aware of the role AI has played in the content they consume.
  2. Accuracy and Integrity: AI-generated content will be held to the same standards of accuracy and integrity as content produced by human journalists. AI-generated content will undergo review by human editors before publication to ensure it meets our editorial standards.
  3. Ethical Considerations: AI will be used responsibly, avoiding the creation or dissemination of content that could be misleading, biased, or harmful. We will regularly review our AI tools and processes to address any ethical concerns that arise.


  1. Accountability: Daily Guardian remains accountable for all content it publishes, regardless of whether it is produced by humans or AI. In cases where AI-generated content is found to contain errors or inaccuracies, our standard corrections policy will apply.
  2. Continuous Improvement: Feedback and corrections related to AI-generated content will be used as learning opportunities to improve our AI models and algorithms, ensuring they evolve to better serve our audience’s needs.

Daily Guardian is committed to exploring the potential of AI to enhance our journalistic mission while upholding our core values of integrity, accuracy, and responsibility. We will continuously review and update this policy as AI technologies and their applications evolve, ensuring that our use of AI remains aligned with our commitment to serving the public interest.