By Dr. Rex Casiple
The year 2023 was a year to observe for the performance of graduates in board examinations given by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in various programs in higher education. Many of the takers in 2023 board examinations were products of the K-12 program of the government. Most of the first taker examinees were the first graduates of K-12 program in colleges and universities. Likewise, they were products of various online classes and/or hybrid classes conducted due to COVID 19 Pandemic. More than one-half of the classes attended by our 2023 graduates in higher education were conducted either online or in hybrid mode. However, the results of PRC board examinations in various programs in higher education showed a high passing percentage among higher education institutions in the Region.
In February 2023, a total of 3,774 out of 6,070 examinees nationwide, or 62.18%, passed in the Mechanical Engineers Licensure Examination. The ISAT University ranked number 2 in the said examination with 40 or more examinees and with at least 80% passing percentage. Ten (10) schools in Region 6 or 71% performed high or with a passing percentage higher than that of the national level. The Region produced 387 passers or 68.62% passing percentage. The first takers passing percentage was 74.9%. The repeater passing percentage was 48.51%. On the other hand, the PRC Board of Mechanical Engineering announced that a total of 65, or 72.22%, passed in the Certified Plant Mechanics (CPM) Licensure Examination given all over the country in February 2023. The first takers passing percentage was 73.53%. The repeaters’ passing percentage was 68.18%. No takers from Western Visayas Region.
The PRC Board of Electronics Engineering announced that a total of 983, or 33.49%, passed in the April 2023 Electronics Engineers Licensure Examination. The Western Visayas Region performed high, or with passing percentage higher than that of the national average. Four (4) schools in Western Visayas, or 50%, performed high in the said examination. The Region produced 94 passers, or 49.5% passing percentage. The first takers passing percentage was 54.4%. The repeaters passing percentage is 40%. Likewise, the PRC Board of Electronics Engineering announced that a total of 1,641, or 73.69%, passed in the April 2023 Electronics Technicians Licensure Examination. The Region produced 138 passers, or 87.9% passing percentage. The first takers passing percentage was 91.03%. The repeaters passing percentage was 50%.
In August 2023, the PRC Board of Mechanical Engineering announced that a total of 104 examinees, or 55.6%, passed in the Certified Plant Mechanics (CPM) Licensure Examinations. The first takers passing percentage was 55.43%. The repeaters’ passing percentage was 58%. There were 78 takers from Western Visayas Region with 32% passing percentage. This number of takers was a big leap compare to the February 2023 CPM board examination when there were no takers from Western Visayas. There were 187 takers nationwide in August 2023 CPM board examination. This is 108% increase from February 28, 2023 CPM board examinations with only 90 examinees. Higher education institutions (HEIs) in Western Visayas with CPM Board Examination takers were Aklan State University-Kalibo Campus, Capiz State University, Garcia College of Technology, ISAT University, Northern Iloilo State University, University of San Agustin and Western Institute of Technology. CPM is one of the 3 categories in the practice of Mechanical Engineering in the Philippines. On the other hand, the PRC Board of Mechanical Engineering announced that a total of 2,133, or 50.4%, passed in the Mechanical Engineers Licensure Examination given on August 5-6, 2023. There were 183 first takers and 135 repeaters from the Region who took the said examination. The first takers passing percentage was 57.38%. The repeater passing percentage was 28.89%.
(To be continued)