27 Anilao SHS Aquaculture Students Complete ISUFST Immersion

By Julius Ruger Hermano

Twenty-seven senior high school students, comprising 13 ABM students from Anilao National High School (ANHS) and 14 aquaculture students from San Joaquin School of Fisheries (SJSOF), have completed their work immersion at Iloilo State University of Fisheries, Science, and Technology (ISUFST) Main Campus Tiwi Site this Friday, March 15, 2024. This 10-day program started on March 4 and was designed to equip students from both schools with practical aquaculture, accounting, business, and management skills.

The culminating event at ISUFST’s Board Room started with the opening remarks and career guidance talk by ISUFST International Affairs and Linkages (IAL) Director Dr. Herman Lagon. On behalf of University President Dr. Nordy Siason Jr., Dr. Lagon urged the students to dream boldly with a growth mindset and imagine an “ikigai” future where their ambitions serve their advancement and elevate those around them in their communities.

Facilitators from both schools also shared their insights on the immersion. Dr. Gilbert Belvis, focal person of ANHS, highlighted the longstanding partnership between ISUFST and ANHS since 2017, emphasizing how collaboration has played a pivotal role in empowering students to excel in their chosen fields. Meanwhile, Mrs. Jenny Seiton, work immersion teacher of SJSOF, emotionally expressed gratitude for her students’ experiences, particularly in brackish water and fishpond management.

Facilitated by IAL Officer Mr. Julius Ruger Hermano, ABM students were assigned to different accounting, budget, and related offices through a fair draw to ensure unbiased assignments while maximizing learning opportunities. Simultaneously, Mr. Rother Gaudiel, ISUFST expert fishery technologist, led practical training sessions for the aquaculture students. Their hands-on experience included working with ISUFST’s 26-hectare fishpond and brackish water areas, where they learned various tasks such as tilapia stocking for “grow out,” fishpond area maintenance, and koi fingerling counting.

The ceremony featured a video presentation of outputs and reflections on the students’ immersive experiences. Representatives from both schools shared their testimonies, followed by a post-immersion survey and the distribution of certificates.

The program celebrated the partnerships between the three institutions and the students’ achievements, highlighting the importance of practical skills in paving the way for a brighter future in accounting, business, management, and aquaculture. As these young minds embark on their respective journeys, they carry with them the invaluable lessons learned and the enduring bonds forged during their time at ISUFST.#