8 COVID-19 positive persons in WV in stable condition

By Jemin B. Guillermo

A number of persons who are being treated for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Western Visayas are now in stable condition.

In Bulletin No. 6 issued by the Department of Health – Center for Health and Development in Western Visayas at 5 p.m. of March 30, it noted that of the 18 total COVID-19 cases in the region as of March 29, 2020, eight are now in stable condition while being confined in the hospital.

The report added that one person who was diagnosed of said disease has already recovered and been discharged from the hospital, while the condition of the six others has likewise improved although they are in an isolation room in the health facility. One other is in an unstable condition.

Of the total confirmed positive cases, three are from Aklan province, one from Capiz, eight from Iloilo province including Iloilo City, and six from Bacolod City and Negros Occidental province.

The DOH here has also recorded the deaths of two COVID-19 positive persons.

As of 12 noon of March 29, the DOH Western Visayas CHD recorded a total of 370 patients under investigation (PUIs), 135 of whom tested negative of COVID-19, the report revealed.

It added that a total of 102 PUIs have already been discharged while 103 others are currently admitted.

“A total of 28,734 out of 45,388 persons under monitoring (PUMs) had completed the 14-day quarantine,” the DOH 6 report said. (PIA)