THE Iloilo City Technical Institute of Iloilo City (TIIC) Bo. Obrero Campus is accepting enrollees since June 3 to 28, 2019 (weekdays only) at Zone 3, Bo. Obrero, Lapuz.
These are for seven training courses including Beauty Care NC II, Dressmaking NC II, Cookery NC II, Food and Beverage Service NC II, Consumer Electronics Serving NC II, Computer Systems Serving NC II, and Computer Literacy.
Trainings will start in July until September this year.
Applicants must be residents of Iloilo City and should bring their voters identification card or voters certificate, barangay certification, community tax certificate or cedula, certified true copy of report card or diploma for high school graduates, certified true copy of transcript of records or diploma for college graduates, two copies of 1×1 ID picture, one long white folder, and one long plastic envelope. (PIO)