By: Leobert Julian A. de la Peña
After a long day in the first leg of the SBP U18 3X3 Pambansang Tatluhan held in Oton, Iloilo, four teams qualified for the regional finals.
A team, which includes two Tigbauanons, was undefeated in six games.
Wowo Dinate, Lester Valn Paraico, Cairon Gain and Jose Ray Tuya, both from Tigbauan, composed the powerhouse team, with Ronald Julaton as head coach.
Gain is from Iloilo Sun Yat Sen High School, Tuya from Western Institute of Technology (WIT), Paraico from Center Phil Montessori, and Dinate is a stalwart of Saint Robert’s International Academy (SRIA).
One member of a different team who also qualified for the regional finals is also a Tigbaunaon, William Joshua Flanco of team Exodus.
All these players learned under the wings of Ninja Basketball by Portia Bernil of Tigbauan, Iloilo.