We honestly didn’t expect this. When we planned out PAUTWAS: Open Mic Nights with Jamar Montehermoso from Horn Pub, we expected few people would come, even fewer would perform.
This was, after all, the first.
Instead, around 300 people came with 30 performances (including Lcid’s “I Will Not Love You Forever”). Throughout the night, we had tears, laughter, and an all-around good time.
Iloilo is definitely supportive of its local artists and we are so happy to have found PAUTWAS a giant success! Let’s keep it going!
Special thank you to our event sponsor 4th District Congressman BJ Biron!
Special thanks as well to Verseculo Senti – UP Poet Society!
And Congratulations to Dawn Andalan and Charmaine Bañadera for taking home our Best Pautwas of the Night Award!
Let’s keep it going! Maybe we’ll see Lawrence perform next time.
Spoiler: No, we won’t.
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