Now that the ECQ is extended to May 15, let’s be more skillful in dealing with the extended condition of our restricted lifestyle. And among the things to consider are what we may refer to as our ghostly foes that include not only the invisible coronavirus but also the more nasty dark and negative thoughts we can have, our fears, anxieties, and even depression that can eat us up like worms.
But more importantly, let us not disregard the wiles and tricks of the bad spirits, the demons who can easily take advantage of our predicament these days. Let’s never ignore them. They are always around. In fact, these days I am receiving more reports of demonic activities afflicting many people, and requests for deliverance and exorcism have gone up. Let’s be forewarned to be forearmed.
In the meantime, let’s continue praying that we can find the necessary cure or vaccine for this deadly virus that has been menacing us already for months and that we can return to some degree of normalcy. Prayer should always be the basic weapon to use in these times. Let’s never be tempted to abandon it, thinking that we would be more successful if we simply rely on science, medicine, and our wild politics.
These ghostly foes of ours should be tackled head-on. We should not think that by ignoring them they would just go away. The contrary is true. The more we ignore them, the more they become stronger and more dangerous. We have to drive them away forthwith.
With these ghostly foes of ours, what we have to do is to strengthen our spiritual and supernatural life. These trying times we are having now are actually good occasions for us to truly live the life in the spirit with God. We are no match against these ghostly foes if we would just depend on our human and natural powers.
If we live by the spirit of God, using to the hilt our God-given faith, hope, and charity, we would be convinced beyond any trace of doubt that we have no reason to be afraid, over-anxious, or sad. God takes care of everything, and knows how to derive good from evil. With him, everything, including our difficulties and disasters, will always work for the good. (cfr. Rom 8,28)
We should just train our natural powers to be enlightened, guided and strengthened by the supernatural power of God who likes to share it with us by precisely giving us the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity.
Let’s have a good grip on our thoughts and feelings so they would not stray away from the path of our faith. We should never dare to think that we are just living on our own, that we are alone and lonely. God is always with us. We have to feel his immense and abiding love for us.
Regarding the evil spirits, neither should we be too afraid of them. They actually cannot do anything against us unless we allow them. But we have to acknowledge that they are the smartest of all conspirators. Just the same, they cannot do anything unless God allows them to tempt us. And if God allows them to do that, it is because a greater good can be derived from such a situation.
This is a truth of faith that should always be kept in our mind. We have no reason to be afraid of them, but neither should we be welcoming of them, much less, enter into some dialogue with them. Let’s always remember that as spiritual beings, they are far smarter than us no matter how brilliant and smart we think we are. They can always outsmart us.
The thing to do is to dismiss them outright. That is the example Christ himself gave us when he was tempted after his 40 days of praying and fasting before he started his public life. (cfr. Mt 4)
Email: roycimagala@gmail.com