By Felipe V. Celino
ROXAS CITY, Capiz – Capiz Governor Esteban Evan Nonoy Contreras on April 29, 2020 issued a memorandum order on the implementing guidelines for the general community quarantine (GCQ) starting May 1, 2020.
The GCQ is a more relaxed form compared to the enhanced community quarantine.
In MO No. 16, no one could enter the province from other places except officials and employees from the national and local governments upon presentation of their travel identification card and travel order stating their intention.
Medical personnel or health and humanitarian workers working in Capiz in relation to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic are also allowed to enter the province.
Also allowed to enter the province are non-COVID-19 patients who have medical transactions or consultation in hospitals, emergency patients who need medical attention, businessmen with business permits from the mayor or Department of Trade and Industry, and delivery receipts for products to be brought into Capiz.
Armored vans/truck of banks, stranded Overseas Filipino Workers endorsed by the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), essential goods and medical supplies upon presentation of valid ID, DTI and Mayor’s permits are also allowed into the province.
Passenger vehicles are also allowed but the driver and passengers should observe measures such as wearing of face masks and physical distancing.
Checkpoints manned by the police and other authorized government agencies will continue at the borders.
Curfew hours will be strictly imposed on senior citizens, pregnant women, individuals suffering from ailments, and persons below 20 years old.
The curfew hours were changed from 8 pm to 5 am to 9 pm to 4 am.
Exempted from the curfew hours are law enforcers with specific mission orders, persons of authority, elected local officials in exchange for their ID and mission order.
Also exempted are:
- Persons on emergency health situations with medical attention
- Government and private employees including health workers where the time of their works falls on curfew hours, among others.
Flexible work schedule for all government employees will be observed except for medical personnel and health workers.
The private sector could also do the same.
Business establishments that provide basic needs can also operate but they must observe wearing of face masks, physical/social distancing, and others.
Suspension and opening of classes at all levels (public and private) will be based on the decision and policy of the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, Technical Education, Skills Development Authority, and other agencies.
Students are prohibited from internet cafés, computer-games centers, parks, and recreation centers.
Mass gatherings are also prohibited except P-IATF meetings and gatherings relative to COVID-19 activities.
Special Quarantine passes shall be issued by the barangay to senior citizens and minors who must be accompanied by a member of the family.
As to the opening of establishments, it is limited only to stores inside the supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, laundry shops, restaurants (take out only), and hardware.
The memorandum also recalls the prohibition of the transportation of liquor but prohibits drinking in public places.