Two million people demand a global treaty to stop marine plastic pollution

Unless decisive action is taken, by 2050 there could be more plastic in the sea by weight than fish. Plastic in the ocean suffocates marine wildlife. It gets into the food we eat and even the air we breathe.
© / Richard Robinson / WWF

Two million people signed the petition calling for an urgent establishment of a global treaty on marine plastic pollution.

“As the evidence of the damage to people and nature caused by plastic pollution continues to build, so too is public outrage about the plastic crisis. The message from the public is clearer than ever – we need decisive global action from the governments and business to address this problem at its roots.

“Two million people are calling for a binding global treaty that sets clear plastic pollution reduction targets and restores accountability as a vital measure to address this crisis. We welcome the support so far from 67 governments and more than 30 businesses for the establishment of the treaty and call on all UN member states to respond to the clear message from the public. We must urgently start the negotiation process.” said Eirik Lindebjerg, Global Plastics Policy Manager at WWF International.

Last October, a WWF delegation, including two members from the Philippines team, attended the final technical virtual meeting tasked by the UN with looking at the scale and solutions of the plastic pollution crisis. In December, the Philippine Government publicly called for a global agreement and was supported by countries all over the world like Vietnam, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, as well as all African countries, the EU member states, the Pacific Island states, countries in Latin America, and many others. This call has also been supported by 30 international businesses and a majority of experts from other NGOs both internationally and locally. The final recommendations of the meeting will now be submitted to the United Nations for member states to make a decision on whether to formally commence discussions on how to create the new agreement.

WWF-Philippines Executive Director Joel Palma also noted that it is time for stakeholders to take immediate action to address plastic pollution globally. “Public outrage at the state of our environment is building. With 2 million people, 67 governments, and over 30 businesses calling for a binding global treaty to establish reduction targets and accountability, world leaders can no longer turn a blind eye to the problem. It is now time to begin negotiations between all UN Member States to address and solve this crisis.”