By Modesto P. Sa-onoy
Since the middle of last year, the banner slogan of governments, the pharmaceuticals and the billionaires who founded the political, economic and religious concept of Globalism, is that the pandemic has no cure except the vaccine. Like the maestro of a grand orchestra, the globalists controlled the mainstream media to echo only their side and shut out others.
Let’s start where these vaccines will end up and the indications that the globalists’ end game is at hand.
Two concrete examples in our province of what I will cite are the reported deaths of Dr. Julian Rizaldy Raca of the Bacolod Emergency Operations Center and Dr. Lorenzo Jungco, provincial health officer assigned in La Carlota City. Both had their second vaccination and died.
While it is claimed they had pre-existing ailments to explain their sudden deaths, this seems implausible because they knew that the vaccine could be deadly when a person is suffering from certain ailments. Surely, they did not agree to vaccination when they knew they are ill. Granting the excuse, then their vaccination hastened their demise.
These cases (there are more in the province among the vaccinated) underscore the high possibilities of what Dr. Michael Yeadon is warning about.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, ex-chief scientist of Pfizer has raised alarm “that it is now too late to save any person who has been injected with any C-19 vaccine. He urges those who have not yet been injected with the deadly compound to fight for the continuation of humans and the lives of their children.”
The world-acclaimed immunologist goes on to outline the process which he says “will kill the vast majority of people now alive. Immediately on receipt of the first injection around 0.8% of people died within 2 weeks. The survivors have a life expectancy of two years on average. But this is decreased with every top-up or “booster” injection.
“Supplemental vaccine are in development to cause degradation of specific organs – including heart, lungs and brain.”
Having been intimately acquainted with goals of research and development of the Pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer for two decades, Yeadon claims that the final objective of the currently administered regime of vaccination can only be a mass depopulation event, which will make all the World Wars combined seem like a Mickey Mouse production.”
He concluded, “Billions are already condemned to certain, unchangeable and agonizing death. Each person who has received the injections will certainly die prematurely and three years is a generous estimate for how long they can expect to remain alive.”
The above narrative was shared to me with a note that it was posted by LifeSiteNews. When I checked Google it says the article no longer exists or had been moved. The following day, Google says, the site cannot be reached.
I am not surprised because LifeSiteNews had been warning that its articles are being taken out. However, somebody was quick enough to copy and send out this article.
There are skeptics about Yeadon’s conclusions as with his other articles related to C-19. He was considered formerly pro-vaccine but there is no clue of his change of mind in relation to the vaccines. It is left to our readers to determine whether to get vaccinated or forego it. After all the vaccines are officially determined unable to immunize, protect or treat.
On the other hand, there are deaths and damage to health, the numbers growing by the day. Let’s cite the reports drawn from official announcements although the data could be downgraded as governments loathe to tell the whole truth.
The London report of LifeSiteNews (April 12) say that “in official documents released by the U.K. government, models for the planned ‘third wave’ of COVID-19 predicted that any hospitalizations and deaths would be ‘dominated’ by people who had already been vaccinated.”
Note that the data are projected by a model, and not actual incidence.
“The resurgence in both hospitalizations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60 percent and 70 percent of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunization failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.”
Continued tomorrow.