The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) in Guimaras province on October 24, 2022 awarded two Original Certificate of Titles to the municipal government of Buenavista.
Special Patent with Lot No. 1999-C and Lot No. 1999-E cover a total area of 35,997 square meters for the Sanitary Landfill situated at Sitio Kalalan, Barangay Piña, Buenavista, Guimaras.
This is in consonance with the land management program of the town.
The partnership with DENR, Local Government Unit of Buenavista, and Registry of Deeds, hastened the issuance process and strengthened the agency’s linkages with the constituents pursuant to Republic Act 10023 (Residential Free Patent Act).
The special patents were awarded to the sanitary landfill to ensure the protection of public health and the environment.
It also addresses solid waste disposal, thus ensuring proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment, and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental practices in ecological waste in consonance with the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (Republic Act 9003).