It’s never too late!

By Klaus Döring

Sure, “it’s never too late” is technically true. Factually, you can always start something new right now, no matter how long you’ve waited, how old you are, or how long you’ve done something else. But while there’s technically no such thing as “too late,” there sure as hell is such a thing as waiting too long.

The problem I see is when people hold onto the crutch that “it’s never too late,” and as a result, hesitate, delay, wait, and make excuses to avoid taking action on what they want in life. By the time they finally start, however, they might find themselves in a difficult position and have to fight an uphill battle to get the leftovers of life.

I know a lot of pensioner expatriates living in the Philippines for good. Many of them have a big problem – after staying here for only a couple of months, they get bored.

Having a vacation all day, all week, all month and all year long is really not an egg’s yellow. I must confess, I experienced the same in 1999 after moving to Davao City. At that time I just turned 46.

I remember my last days in an international publishing house in Berlin. I packed up my things after signing my resignation letter. Of course, I hadn’t reached my final pension age yet, but I got a lot of ideas on how to shape and organize my “new” life in the Philippines. I never forgot some office mates smiling at me: “We can’t cross such bridges before we come to them!” Of course guys, you have been right!

Anyway, age doesn’t matter – you can enjoy the second half of your life residing in the Philippines. As many of you know already: I stayed in many countries worldwide. I could have migrated to the U.S. I didn’t. I chose the Philippines. Most important thing is: Keep yourself busy.

Sure, there is always a time when we should rest and really enjoy life. Sure, we brought our savings and many of us enjoy the monthly pension in Euro or Dollar. Several weeks ago, I read a good idea in an U.S. business weekly: “Partner up with entrepreneurs who have long been in the business, or those who have just retired as well!” Worth to think about.

Getting bored, means also for some to start grumbling and complaining about everything and everybody in the Philippines. I always keep my distance from such negative people. We are not here to change this country and its people. Why? What for? Filipinos are also not planning to change our home countries.

I really don’t have more stress than I had in my home country before. Critics reproach and accuse me of living a life as an expatriate while wearing pink tinted glasses. Sorry, but my conscience is very clear.

I keep myself busy, too busy sometimes: Teaching, translating, writing, on the radio, and many more things; but I always find time for short vacations. It’s never too late. It’s your life! Take your chance and enjoy life in the Philippines. And, stay away from grumblers and grouses…


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