Mobile, combat assets issued to PRO-6 personnel

Police officials check the various equipment to be issued to police officers in Western Visayas. (Jennifer P. Rendon photo)

By Jennifer P. Rendon

Just in time before Election Day, additional vehicles and combat equipment were issued to Police Regional Office (PRO) 6.

Brigadier General Sidney Villaflor, Western Visayas police chief, said that the mobile and combat assets’ arrival couldn’t be more timely to be used by forces that will render election duties.

These include:

* 150 basic assault rifles (Emtan);

* 83 tactical vests;

* 83 combat helmets

* 250 undershirt vests;

* 267 raincoats;

* 17 basic assault rifles Rifle (Galil Ace 22);

* Nine Mitsubishi 4×4 vehicles;

* Five Toyota Hilux 4×2 pick-up trucks; and

* 60,120 rounds of 5.56 mm (SS 109).

Villaflor said that the equipment was a programmed procurement of the PNP national headquarters.

They will be given to units “that mostly need them,” Villaflor said.

“It’s part of a bottoms up planning. Kung sino ang mas higit na nangangailangan, doon ibibigay sa kanila,” he said.

With the new equipment, Villaflor hoped that it would further capacitate personnel all over the region.

He also enthused PRO-6 members, especially the end-users, to take care and properly maintain the equipment so it could serve them better for a longer period of time.