50 farmers trained for organic fertilizer production

By Felipe V. Celino

JAMINDAN, Capiz—About 50 local farmers here have been trained for organic fertilizer production.

Mayor McArthur Valdemar led the distribution of certificates of participation to farmers who graduated from the five-day training held in a village here.

The mayor said the training was spearheaded by the Municipal Agriculture’s Office under municipal agriculturist Alberto Valdemar to help farmers produce fertilizer for their backyards.

He explained that organic fertilizers are naturally produced from waste and can be added to soil or plants to provide nutrients and sustain growth.

“The local government unit of Jamindan is fully supporting the farmers in producing organic fertilizer,” he added.

Typical organic fertilizers include all animal waste, such as meat processing waste, manure, slurry, and guano; plus plant-based fertilizers, such as compost and biosolids, the mayor stressed.