Good Governance Requires No Budget

By Reni M. Valenzuela

Huge budget is never justified in a government office where accountability is absent and where crookedness is ignored/tolerated, much less abounds.

Manage the people’s money NOT as your own money. Mark that, dear government officials. You are not in any way entitled to spend (or steal) even a single centavo of it for yourself, your family and dynastic clans, openly or “confidentially.”

Allocate and spend the nation’s budget to improve the living condition of the poor among us, not those of a few “privileged” ones. Earmark no “budget” either to serve and satiate the political cravings of the ambitious, narcissistic and reprobate. Halt. Or hell.

Governing a nation by and large rests on the heart of its officials far more than their credentials/qualifications, popularity, expertise, programs and projects — and their “budget.” We have officials or agencies (past and present) that perform well.  But are their good performances budget-related? No. Only the corrupt, greedy, covetous (like China), deceitful and silly rely on budget to be able to “perform” (for themselves).

Just take a look at the performing Commission on Audit. Is their budget big enough for the task and challenges they are facing? Certainly not, yet they do good and function well, and continue to do so.

Our auditors need a real huge, bigger budget. But will you increase it? No, for obvious reason. In contrast, look at the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict or NTF-ELCAC whose aim is to end something they intend to stay forever, for “budget” purposes. NTF-ELCAC is just an example, just one among many “functionaries” or offices that need to be dissolved.

Abolish everything useless, detrimental and infernal in the government for the government to save billions upon billions of pesos in the form “budget” and for the government to really solve problems. Otherwise, some schemers and plotters may find an excuse/ground to clamor, “abolish the government.” Dismantle “slavery,” rather all forms of gambling, legal and illegal.

Great that Malacañang certified as “urgent” the unprecedented National Expenditure Program or proposed 2025 national budget amounting to P6.352 trillion with the intent (sincerely or otherwise) to alleviate our plight as a people and nation — except that a massive portion of that colossal budget would go to corrupt pockets, scrap “endeavors,” overindulgence, inanities and dirty politics to assure “winnability” of their favored candidates come election time.

Dear Mr. President, does the government have too much/overflowing money of its own (loan-less) in its coffers, enough to squander billions of pesos annually and hand over the “budget” in a silver platter to robbers, I mean to wolves, sharks, vultures and crocodiles — in cahoots with beasts in the private sector such as Pharmally and the countless others involved in the “works” of practically every government department and agency, not to mention the deeply ingrained corruption in the Department of Public Works and Highways, Bureau of Customs, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Bureau of Immigration, Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Land Registration Authority, National Irrigation Authority, National Food Authority, PhilHealth, etc.

And what about the equally ignominious acts and corruption in the two highest offices of the land and in Congress, Judiciary, and the Police and Military where stealing has long been institutionalized.

Break the “culture,” “tradition” and “institution,” dearest BBM.  Do it, sir, and start where stealing starts — the “budget” — alongside greedy hearts and the debauched “progress” mindset. Boot them out. “Like the partridge that gathers a brood that she did not hatch, so is he who gets riches but not by justice; in the midst of his days they will leave him, and at his end he will be a fool.” – Jeremiah 17:11 (ESV)

Nothing has changed in the ways Congress approves (“traditionally” and “respectfully”) the National Budget. Thus, the outcome, year in and year out, is no different. Life remains the same (if not worsens) for the Filipino people in general, except for crooks, of course.

The budget or “budget” is the leading, number one acid test for Juan dela Cruz and heaven to tell whether or not the present administration (and any administration for that matter) is governing the country wise and right and on track — toward achieving progress and development (at last) for a bright, beautiful tomorrow for all Filipinos.

Here’s the mother of all good news (or bad news) for all of you, beloved leaders of our beloved Philippines: Good governance requires no budget. 


Kudos to the ongoing probe in the Lower House on the “drug war” killings and the POGOs diabolism.  The door is now open. Please come in, dear ICC.



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