A state of mind

By Alex P. Vidal

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”—Napoleon Hill

DINAGYANG Festival is not just an event, it has become a state of mind for most Ilonggos.

Wherever an Ilonggo lives around the world, he or she experiences a particular mindset or mood that is associated with or inspired by Dinagyang Festival, which has “globalized” Iloilo.

If Taj Mahal connotes New Delhi and Mardi Gras implies Rio de Janeiro, Dinagyang alludes to Iloilo.

It’s gratifying to think that if you are born and raised in Iloilo, you are part of the universal consciousness that is ensconced in the religious and cultural pneumatics.

With ideas and attitudes anchored on battle cry that nobody can stop them from doing what they want and what they will achieve, Ilonggos relish in the struggle, fight, and determination in everyday life.

An ideal llonggo state of mind fluctuates between thinking and engaged—whatever a current situation demands of it.

There isn’t a formula that dictates when we should be in one state and when we should be in the other, but much like dancing, we need to find a rhythm and delicately move as the situation or music requires.

Viva Senior Santo Nino!


Appeal from Kansas City-based Ilonggo Marvin Salcedo, who hails from Sara, Iloilo: “Sen. Raffy Tulfo please help us in putting behind bars those who are accountable in the failed Ungka flyover construction. Or perhaps turn it over to Department of Tourism to turn it into a P680-M tourism project and promote it similar to Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy.

“Let us also support Kabataan Partylist Raoul Manuel in his call to investigate the anomalous Ungka flyover bridge. He is the only Ilonggo solon to initiate a congressional hearing regarding this highway robbery happening in front of Pavianhon and Ilonggo peoples’ eyes. The only lawmaker who has the balls, so to speak.

“What would be the best name to call the Ungka flyover if it will be turned over to Department of Tourism?”


SAVING OUR PLANET. Let’s polish off watermarks. Instead of using chemical treatments for wood, or varnishes that contain air-polluting chemicals, let’s get rid of watermarks using a dry cloth. Let’s rub the mark with olive or almond oil or mix butter with cigarette ash to turn it brown, then polish.

SAVING OUR PLANET. Clean clothes with bleach. If we want to get rid of blood in our clothes without using bleach, let’s pour salt or cold club soda onto the stain and soak in cold water before washing. For a more stubborn stain, mix cornstarch, talcum powder, and a little water into a spreadable paste and apply; then allow to dry and brush away.

CLOSER. Close to us is not family but death.

The secrets of the universe, according to Eykis, are:

  1. We must learn to cultivate our own garden.
  2. The kingdom of heaven is within.
  3. Everything in the universe is exactly as it should be.
  4. It’s never too late to have a have a happy childhood.
  5. Where I go, there I am!
  6. Keep it simple.
  7. These are the good old days.
  8. You are perfect.

ANTHROPOMIMETIC MACHINES. No matter how closely a robot resembles a human on the outside, if we crack it open, the jumble of wires is unlikely to bear much resemblance to our insides. A group of European researchers aims to bridge that gap–its robot prototype is anthropomimetic, making it mimics the human form.

HEAVY AND LIGHT. Heaviest weight is not elephant or iron but responsibility. Biggest is not the mountain or sun, but our lust and desire. Lightest is neither wind nor feathers, but not praying or delaying it.

(The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two daily newspapers in Iloilo.—Ed)