AFP chief stresses importance of ‘doing right’ during Iloilo visit

By Jennifer P. Rendon

“There is no right time to do the wrong thing, and there is no wrong time to do the right thing.”

This was the key message from General Romeo Brawner Jr., Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), during his visit to the Philippine Army’s 301st Infantry (Bayanihan) Brigade at Camp General Adriano Hernandez in Dingle, Iloilo, on February 22.

In his address to the troops, Brawner underscored the significance of discerning the right action and following through with it.

“The moment you start doing the wrong thing, everything goes astray. Nothing will head in the right direction. Always aim to do good because it forms the basic foundation of our career,” he said.

The AFP Chief of Staff encouraged the troops to carry out their duties with discipline and pride as members of the AFP.

Additionally, he highlighted the critical role of love and dedication to service, envisioning “One AFP, One Philippines, and a Strong AFP for a Strong Philippines.”

Brigadier General Michael Samson, commander of the 301st IB, led the Bayanihan troopers in welcoming Brawner.

For Samson, Brawner’s visit significantly boosted the morale and resolve of the Bayanihan Troopers to excel in their duties. He also reaffirmed their continued dedication to service.