By Felipe V. Celino
ROXAS CITY, Capiz – Around P1 billion worth of aquaculture, fisheries and infrastructure projects in Capiz were damaged by tropical depression “Agaton” almost a month ago.
Massive flooding damaged P693,311,587 worth of aquaculture and fisheries products, according to Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) provincial director Edwin Javier.
Based on the damage report submitted by each municipality, fishponds and fish cages valued at P666 million were affected.
About 3,052 fisherfolks were affected and around 4,500 hectares of fishponds were flooded.
Javier said the data would change as the damaged stocks have yet to be validated by BFAR.
Meanwhile, an estimated P400 million worth of infrastructures in the first district of Capiz were also damaged because of “Agaton.”
According to Capiz First Engineering District Office District Engr. Randolfo Melosantos, Panitan was hit hardest after a flood river control and other ongoing projects were damaged.
Melosantos has formed an investigation team to monitor and evaluate the damaged infrastructure projects.
He denied that the projects were sub-standard as he himself personally monitored the construction of the projects together with the quality control engineer.