AI development and risks

By Francis Allan L. Angelo

The 2024 AI Index Report, produced by Stanford University’s Institute for Human-Centered AI, provides the most comprehensive analysis of the artificial intelligence landscape to date, revealing significant advancements as well as emerging challenges.

The seventh edition of the report marks an important phase in AI’s influence on society and industry, highlighting increased adoption across various sectors and substantial advancements in AI capabilities.

According to the more than 500-page report, 2023 saw a doubling in the release of new large language models (LLMs) with industry leading the charge, even as costs for creating state-of-the-art models like OpenAI’s GPT-4 reached record highs.

GPT-4 specifically achieved a notable 0.96 mean win rate on the comprehensive Holistic Evaluation of Language Models (HELM) benchmark, which includes the Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) among other evaluations.

Ray Perrault and Jack Clark, Co-directors of the AI Index, emphasized the dual future AI faces—one of continued improvement and increased adoption with significant impacts on productivity and employment, and another constrained by the technology’s current limitations.

“Governments are stepping in to encourage the upside and manage the potential downsides, such as impacts on employment, privacy concerns, misinformation, and intellectual property rights,” they stated in the report.

Investment trends also shifted, with a notable surge in funding for generative AI technologies despite a decrease in overall private AI investments for the second consecutive year. The report cites a near eightfold increase in funding for generative AI, totaling $25.2 billion.

On the policy front, there was a significant rise in AI-related regulations, particularly in the U.S., where regulators passed more AI-related regulations in 2023 than in any previous year. However, the increasing ability of AI to generate deepfakes and its potential impact on elections has raised substantial concerns.

Public perception of AI has also shifted, with increased awareness and nervousness towards AI technologies. A survey cited in the report shows a 13 percentage point increase from the previous year in the number of people expressing nervousness toward AI products and services.


The report also reveals a rapidly evolving landscape where artificial intelligence profoundly impacts industries, including journalism.

Journalism stands at a unique crossroads with AI. Here are the main key points from the study that underscore AI’s growing influence in journalism:

  1. AI Performance Surpasses Humans: AI systems like GPT-4 and others have shown abilities beyond human performance in various tasks, but still trail in complex reasoning and explaining conclusions. This has implications for how stories might be researched or written with AI assistance.
  2. Generative AI Investment Surge: There has been a massive increase in funding for generative AI, reaching $25.2 billion. This investment boom can enable more sophisticated tools for content creation, potentially altering the journalism landscape.
  3. AI Enhances Productivity: The report suggests AI boosts worker productivity and improves output quality, signaling that journalists leveraging AI could work more efficiently and produce higher-quality articles.
  4. Rise in AI Regulations: With AI becoming more pervasive, there is an increased number of AI-related regulations. For journalists, this means navigating a more complex legal landscape regarding AI use in reporting.
  5. Increased Public Awareness and Anxiety: As AI impacts grow, the public becomes more cognizant and nervous about AI products and services. This sentiment is crucial for journalists to consider when reporting on AI or using AI tools in their workflows.
  6. AI Bias Concerns: The report finds evidence of bias in AI tools like ChatGPT towards certain political parties. This raises ethical considerations for journalists using AI in research and ensuring balanced reporting.
  7. The Rising Cost of Advanced AI: Training state-of-the-art AI models like GPT-4 is becoming incredibly expensive, which might limit access to advanced AI tools for smaller news outlets.
  8. Patent Proliferation and Geopolitical AI Dynamics: A sharp increase in AI patents, especially in China, suggests a shifting innovation landscape that journalists covering technology and international affairs need to monitor.

The 2024 AI Index Report serves as a critical resource for journalists, offering insight into AI’s challenges and opportunities. As the field grows, journalists must adapt to incorporate AI responsibly, maintaining ethical standards, and ensuring accuracy and fairness in reporting. The report suggests an ongoing dialogue between AI developers, users, and policymakers to navigate the future of AI in journalism effectively.


The AI Index 2024 showcases the remarkable acceleration in artificial intelligence development and its widespread implications:

Rapid Evolution of AI Research: The report indicates an extraordinary rise in AI capabilities, with industry outstripping academia in producing advanced machine learning models. This trend points to a significant concentration of AI innovation within the private sector, highlighting the need for more public-private partnerships in AI R&D to keep the playing field even.

Escalating Training Costs: Training costs for cutting-edge AI models have soared, reaching astronomical figures. OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Google’s Gemini Ultra exemplify the high expense of developing top-tier AI systems. This increase could have a stifling effect on innovation, particularly for smaller entities without large-scale resources.

US Dominance in AI: The United States continues to lead in the creation of notable AI models, signaling its pivotal role in shaping the global AI landscape. However, the concentration of AI prowess in one region raises questions about global AI equity and access.

China’s AI Patent Boom: China leads in AI patent grants, which has significant geopolitical and economic implications. This development suggests a shift towards more concentrated AI intellectual property control in certain regions, potentially affecting global AI strategies.

Open-Source AI Research Thriving: The explosion of open-source AI projects indicates a democratization of AI development tools, which can be crucial for the media industry. Journalists and newsrooms might leverage these resources for investigative reporting and data analysis.

Growth in AI Publications: The steady increase in AI publications reflects the field’s dynamic nature, where ongoing research continuously opens new possibilities, including in data journalism and content verification.

Concerns Over Deepfakes and Bias: The report expresses concerns about AI’s capacity for generating deepfakes and exhibiting political bias, posing significant challenges for journalists in verifying sources and maintaining impartiality.

Public Nervousness About AI: The growing public unease over AI’s implications suggests a vital role for journalists in educating and informing the public about AI developments in a balanced manner.

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