Angel Alan Celino’s Ultra Hip Shindig

It was a night of vibrant vibes when the amiable former Roxas City mayor and now President of the oldest golf club in the country, the Iloilo Golf and Country Club, Angel Alan Celino marked his milestone celebration with an ultra-hip dinner party at his family’s upscale mansion.

The celebrant’s family and sports and business buddies were feted to scintillating international cuisines as Alan and his lovely wife, Sarah Lupera-Celino, made sure that everyone had a great time in the sprawling al fresco area of their abode.

Scintillating everyone’s spirits were flowing drinks and Iloilo’s A-list musician Totong Villaruz and his band, who performed classic hits for the celebrant, jamming the night away with his friends on stage.

As Angel Alan Celino excitedly quipped, “Great cool weather in this humid summer, excellent food, music, and super company really made my day!”

And cheers to that, “Yorme”! Wishing you more celebrations ahead!