BDO Foundation Reaches 200th RHU Milestone

For the benefit of communities in need. After reaching its 200th rural health unit milestone, BDO Foundation reaffirms its commitment to improve health facilities patient care through the rehabilitation of health centers.

BDO Foundation remains committed to making primary health care more accessible to Filipinos as it reaches a major milestone—its 200th rehabilitated rural health unit (RHU).

For years, the foundation has been rehabilitating RHUs nationwide, recently turning over the newly renovated Rural Health Unit of San Jose in Camarines Sur.

“For every RHU we turn over, we think about the thousands of Filipinos who will benefit from the facility. Through our humble contribution, we hope to empower health workers to serve their patients better and help patients gain easier access to primary health care,” said BDO Foundation President Mario Deriquito.

The newly rehabilitated San Jose RHU is a one-story facility serving more than 45,000 Filipinos across 29 barangays. The foundation upgraded its interiors and exteriors, enhanced accessibility for persons with disabilities and senior citizens, and provided comfortable spaces for breastfeeding mothers and elderly patients.

“This support empowers our health care personnel to perform their duties with dignity and ensure that our community receives the care they deserve,” said San Jose Municipal Health Officer Dr. Arnel Armea.

“With this rehabilitated facility, mayroon nang space para sa lahat!” he added.

RHUs serve as the first line of defense in community health, offering routine check-ups, immunizations, and preventive health care.

Moving forward, BDO Foundation will continue strengthening health care delivery at the grassroots level through RHU rehabilitations in partnership with local government units, BDO, and BDO Network Bank branches.


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