Britanico clan seeks public’s help in arresting killers

(Dawee Celistio Photo)

By Jennifer P. Rendon

As police investigators face a blank wall on the assailants of businessman Delfin Britanico, his family has solicited public help in seeking justice.

In a statement entitled “Britanico and Lao Families Statement on the Murder of Delfin Britanico” sent to the media on Thursday, the family appealed to those “who have knowledge or information that may lead to the arrest of the perpetrators to share these with the law enforcement agencies and to mobile number Globe 09369181307.”

“We the members of the Britanico and Lao families condemn the broad daylight shooting and murder of our dearest husband, father, son, brother and family member Delfin Celestial Britanico in Barangay Nabitasan, Lapaz, Iloilo City last Sunday, 19 January 2020.”

Britanico, whom they fondly called as Del, was killed at age 36. He was one of the sons of former Rep. Salvador “Buddy” Britanico of Banat Partylist.

The two families also said they trust that the law enforcement, agencies supported by the local and national government, will catch those responsible for this gruesome act and swiftly bring them to justice.

Meanwhile, Police Colonel Martin Defensor Jr., Iloilo City police chief, said Investigation is still going on to ascertain the suspects and motive for Britanico’s murder.

Police investigators have also been coordinating with the victim’s family.

The latest breakthrough in the investigation is that the same firearms were used in killing Britanico and Alain Muller, who was murdered half an hour before the former.

Police Chief Master Sergeant Jerwin Servano, La Paz police investigator, said that they are still gathering footage from different closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in areas where the victim and the suspects passed by.

Before the incident happened, Britanico went to church and test drove his BMW motorcycle.

While witnesses claimed to have heard gunfire, no one came forward to actually testify on the actual shooting.

Earlier, police claimed that Britanico’s shooting was an offshoot of a traffic altercation or road rage.

Another assumption indicated that Britanico witnessed Muller’s shooting in Cuartero, Jaro. Another angle being pursued is business.

But as the investigation progresses, Defensor said Britanico’s family asked for security at the victim’s wake and on the day of his interment.