Celebrating 75 years of human rights culture

By Herman M. Lagon

IN TODAY’S International Human Rights Day, we mark a monumental milestone—the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). This day holds particular significance to us Filipinos with a tumultuous history of human rights challenges and triumphs. The theme for this year, “Consolidating and Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the Future,” prompts us to reflect on the intricate collage of human rights in the Philippine context.

Human rights are universally applicable and fundamental to every individual’s dignity and worth. This universal nature was embodied in the UDHR, a document shaped in part by the Philippines and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. The UDHR laid the foundation for modern human rights laws and norms, asserting that these rights apply to all, regardless of race, gender, nationality, or religion.

Here, the relevance of human rights is more pronounced than ever. The nation’s history, marked by martial law and the ongoing struggle for social justice, underscores the importance of these rights. The Philippines’ participation in the UDHR and subsequent human rights treaties reflects a commitment to these universal values despite facing significant challenges in their implementation.

Nonetheless, the global journey of human rights has seen remarkable progress. The end of apartheid, advancements in gender equality, and the fight against discrimination are testament to this. In the Philippines, strides have been made, too, such as the enactment of laws to protect the rights of marginalized groups and efforts to address past injustices. However, the journey is so far from over.

The Philippines continues to grapple with issues such as poverty, discrimination, and violations of civil liberties. The complexity of these challenges highlights the need for continued vigilance and action in human rights. It is a stark reminder that the fight for human rights is ongoing and ever-evolving.

Individual responsibility in upholding human rights is crucial. This call resonates deeply in the Philippines, a nation known for its spirit of Bayanihan. Everyone has a role to play, whether through activism, awareness-raising, or support for organizations dedicated to human rights.

Global solidarity is essential in the quest for human rights. The interconnected nature of today’s world means that human rights issues in one country can have far-reaching impacts. For us Filipinos, understanding this interconnectedness is vital.

Education and awareness are powerful tools in promoting human rights. Here, where misinformation can often cloud issues, educating oneself and others about human rights principles and violations is imperative. It enables individuals to make knowledgeable choices and undertake significant actions.

Celebrating human rights progress involves honoring those who have championed these rights. Numerous individuals and groups have made significant contributions to advancing human rights. Their stories inspire and demonstrate the impact of dedicated efforts.

Looking forward, committing to human rights for future generations is crucial. Ensuring these principles remain at the forefront of society is vital for the continued progress of human rights, both in the Philippines and globally.

The celebration of International Human Rights Day reminds us of the need for active engagement in promoting and protecting human rights. This call to action is particularly poignant in the “Land of the Free” we call the Philippines, where the echoes of past injustices still resonate. It is a call to not just commemorate Human Rights Day but to live its principles every day.

To push it more, we are called to find God in all things, including pursuing justice and human rights. This perspective, rooted in compassion and empathy, encourages us to see the face of humanity in the struggle for rights and dignity.

Thus, as we reflect on the 75th anniversary of the UDHR, let us recommit to the principles of human rights. Our dear country, with its rich history and resilient spirit, is a testament to the importance of this commitment. Let this day be a reminder of our collective journey—a journey that continues towards a future where dignity, respect, and justice are not just ideals, but realities that we continue to promote, protect, and fight for all.


My next column will feature the Top 2 installment of my “Exploring my Top 10 favorite movies” series. As a reminder, my top movies featured in Impulses thus far include Top 10: “Magnifico,” “Heneral Luna,” “Joker,” and “Ender’s Game;” Top 9: “12 Years a Slave” and “The Three Idiots;” Top 8: “Avatar” and “Titanic;” Top 7 (Part 1): “Star Wars” Series; Top 6: “Lord of the Rings” Trilogy; Top 5: “The Matrix” and “John Wick” franchises; Top 4: “Shawshank Redemption” and “Finding Nemo;” and Top 3: “The Green Mile” and “Castaway.” Stay tuned for the next installment!


Doc H fondly describes himself as a ‘student of and for life’ who, like many others, aspires to a life-giving and why-driven world that is grounded in social justice and the pursuit of happiness. His views herewith do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions he is employed or connected with.