Home BANNER NEWS City’s healthcare utilization rate at moderate risk

City’s healthcare utilization rate at moderate risk

City’s healthcare utilization  rate at moderate risk

By John Noel E. Herrera

The Healthcare Utilization Rate (HCUR) – or the number of intensive care units, isolation beds, and ventilators currently in use for COVID-19 patients in Iloilo City – is now at moderate risk, according to the Department of Health in Western Visayas (DOH-6).

Data from DOH Western Visayas Center for Health and Development (DOH WV CHD) indicated that out of 573 isolation or ward beds, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds and mechanical ventilators, 51.83 percent, or 297, were occupied.

Data also revealed that out of 460 COVID-19 ward beds in Iloilo City, 57.83 percent or 266 were already occupied, while 20 out of 61 ICU beds were also occupied, and 11 mechanical ventilators for COVID-19 are in use.

Iloilo City is the only area in Western Visayas to be in the Moderate Risk classification, while the other provinces in the region remain in Low-Risk classification.

A specific city, province or region is also considered in Moderate Risk classification if its HCUR rate is at 50 to 70 percent; below 50 percent for Low Risk; 71 to 84 percent for High Risk, and above 84 percent for Critical Risk.

Meanwhile, Iloilo City also recorded a significant increase in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in the past weeks, which can also be attributed to the city’s current HCUR classification.

Iloilo City Health Office reported that as of Oct 17, 2022, the city reported 514 new COVID-19 cases since Oct 1, higher than the 302 reported cases in September.

As of Oct 16, the city’s Average Daily Attack Rate (ADAR), which refers to the number of cases per 100,000 people, also rose to 5.87 percent from 1.72 percent on Oct 1.

ICHO attributed the jump in cases to the high number of testing, particularly those required for face-to-face work and classes.

ICHO focal person Dr. Roland Jay Fortuna also downplayed fears of consequent rises, citing the existing public health protocols such as proper hand hygiene, wearing of masks, and physical distancing.

The city government also assured the public that they will still be able to enjoy the holiday season amid a recent jump in COVID-19 cases in the metro.

COVID-19 vaccination and booster shots are also available in all district health centers.

Since the pandemic started, the city already recorded a total of 35,207 COVID-19 cases, with 34,272 recoveries, 235 active cases, and 697 fatalities.