Covid-19: A biological weapon?

By Modesto P. Sa-onoy


Before we proceed on claims of plots against humanity using the present Covid-19m pandemic, there’s good news in the midst of this health, economic and political crisis.

U.S. regulators on November 17 was reported to have allowed emergency use of the first rapid coronavirus test that can be performed entirely at home. The announcement by the US Food and Drug Administration is an important step in U.S. efforts to expand testing options for COVID-19 beyond health care facilities and testing sites.

However, the test will require a doctor’s prescription that will likely limit its initial use. Even so, that is an improvement from the present system of being forced to a government facility with highly questionable processes which, as now shown, is only 60% reliable.

The FDA granted emergency authorization to the 30-minute test kit from Lucira Health, a California manufacturer. This home-based test allows users to swab themselves to collect a nasal sample which is then swirled in a vial that plugs into a portable device that interprets the results and displays whether the person tested positive or negative for the virus.

Is the virus that now afflicts the world a biological weapon? An article written by Dorothy Cummings McClean and published by LifeSiteNews on October 8 cited “a leading Italian Catholic historian saying that there is more and more evidence that Covid-19 was not only manufactured in a Chinese laboratory but it was released by the communists in an act of ‘biological warfare as part of their program for the future.’” There had been talks of this possibility since the virus jumped from China to the world.

These are serious accusations considering that there is an International Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons and their Destruction that 109 countries signed on April 10, 1972. This Convention is periodically reviewed, the last being in 2016.

There is no information that the Convention had met on this issue, nevertheless, the suspicions are running high.

In a video shown by the Lepanto Foundation, Professor Roberto Mattei declared that nobody should be surprised if the “ideological and psychological war” of communism has been followed by biological warfare, via a laboratory in China. Each day that passes, the doubts of the synthetic origins of the virus are vanishing increasingly.”

He asked, “And why should we be surprised if this virus had its origins in Communist China, a country that still claims the ideals of Marx, Lenin, and Mao, making this their program for the future? We have entered into the phase of biological warfare.”

This is a war where the goals are not territorial or ideological but an international plot of a different nature than the “war among the states”. The new phrase, “World Reset” or “Great Reset” comes to mind. We shall discuss this later and maybe we can find where Mattei’s claims fit.

According to McClean, Mattei spoke during the opening of the Jubilee Year of the 450th anniversary of the victory of Catholic forces over the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto, of the battles in which the Church has been plunged since then: the continuing damage of the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

“The errors of communism have contaminated the entire world like a maleficent virus,” Mattei claims. “Those who think communism has become extinct with the collapse of the Soviet Union are committing a deadly error in judgement.”

Indeed, communism has been presenting a benevolent and friendly image but behind the Chinese “inscrutable face” there lurks many dangers that enticed even Pope Francis to enter into an agreement giving the Chinese communist control over the Church in China.

Mattei said that “since the 1970s, following the directions of Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School after the ideological war, communism has developed into a new type of war, a psychological war which, through the weapons of words and images, aims at striking at souls before bodies. And it insults the profound tendencies in man: his sentiments, his emotions.”

One of Gramsci’s thoughts I found fits here. “The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”

Mattei warned that this cultural Marxism has entered even the Church herself.

Continued tomorrow.