The dedication program of the virtual classroom started with a musical rendition by Prof. Rona L. Idemni and a reading from the Bible. The singing of the Hymn of Adoration, “How Great Thou Art” followed. Mrs. Carmela Romero, Nursing Faculty led the opening prayer.
In behalf of University President Dr Teodoro C. Robles, OIC, Office of the President Dr. Florence P. Bogacia welcomed everyone and acknowledged the generosity of Nursing Alumni Ann Catedrilla Seisa and her family for donating a Virtual classroom to CPU College of Nursing.
Rev. Ruth G. Lunasco led the Thanksgiving Meditation. She read a passage from 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 which says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”, adding that, “we must share God’s gift and blessings to others.”
In his message, Dr. Florentino Alerta III, CPU Alumni President thanked the Donors, the Seisa family, and Former Dean of College of Nursing Atty. Salex Alibogha. He said that, “as President of the CPU Alumni Association, I would like to reiterate the support of the CPUAAI to the College of Nursing and its alumni.”
Mrs. Ann Seisa in her Affirmation of Thanksgiving, pointed out: “Because of the support of the nursing alumni worldwide, CPU is the only School of Nursing with the effective Remote Virtual Simulation- with State of the Art Computers especially during the Pandemic.”
She encouraged the Centralian nurses to support generously the CPU College of Nursing. And with a currently proposed new equipment worth Five Million Pesos (in the presence of her husband), she pledged another 1 Million Pesos. With some pledges and commitments already, Seisa sees a realization of the project soon.
Prof. Melba C. Sale, OIC Office of the Dean delivered her closing remarks. Part 2 of the Program was the Act of Dedication. Rev Lunasco also led the prayer of dedication.
Mrs. Carmela Romero was the host of the program. (Cyrus A. Natividad/CPU)