DENR-6 bags ADR Awards

The DENR Region 6 was recognized in its efforts to promote and utilize to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to help unload court cases involving land conflicts.

During the hybrid ADR Awards on December 06, 2022, the DENR bagged not one, not two but three awards! The awarding was held during the Celebration of National ADR Day. This activity was made to honor productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness in delivering ADR services.

In the region, Orland Julius M. Padios from CENRO Bago City, Negros Occidental, earned the top 1 for the Best ADR Officers and Jose Angelo Nermal Fabila from CENRO Belison, Antique, ranked top 2.

Furthermore, the DENR Region 6 Pool of ADROs also earned the top post for the Best Pool of ARD Officers awards for CY 2022, beating out other competing regions. The awarding was based on the accomplishments in the total number of cases referred for ADR, the number of ADR procedures held, the number of cases with successful ADR processes, and the number of cases issued with an Order of Compromise or Settlement Agreement.

“Our DENR 6 family congratulates our ADRO topnothers from CENRO Bago and CENRO Belison. It is overwhelming to hear that we have this kind of “assets” in our Department,” Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran said upon receiving the news.

He also added that “handling out of court settlement is not easy but they manage it. The amount of patience, understanding, and neutrality of our ADR offices is indeed exemplary.”

Republic Act No. 9285 or the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004, is the declared policy of the State to offer simple and uncomplicated procedure of resolving conflicts to promote freedom of the parties to make their own arrangements to resolve their disputes in an out of court settlement.

The DENR personnel were trained to handle ADR proceedings over land conflict cases, and others. The guidelines in conducting the same are also provided under DENR Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2016-30.

The DENR Regional Offices in Regions 2, 5, 6, 10, and the Cordillera Administrative Region were among the first to institutionalize the ADR mechanism in their jurisdictions. (DENR-6)