DENR 6 receives top national ADR honors

For the second year, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Region 6 has won the top awards for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Orland Julius M. Padios of CENRO Bago City, Negros Occidental, has been named the top ADR Officer among the 18 regional DENR offices. Similarly, DENR 6’s regional office has been recognized as the top ADR team nationwide.

These accolades were presented at the DENR ADR Assembly on February 8, 2024, at the DENR Central Office. Raul L. Lorilla, Assistant Regional Director for Technical Services, accepted the awards on behalf of DENR 6 Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran, accompanied by Sonia Gimotea, DENR 6 Focal ADR Officer.

The awards, part of the PRAISE Program, acknowledge exceptional service and contribution to the department’s mission. In 2021 and 2022, DENR Region 6 had already received significant recognition for its ADR efforts.

The 2023 ADR Award guidelines, refined to select the best regional ADROs to compete nationally, saw Padios achieving top honors both regionally and nationally, with DENR 6 being named the best regional ADR team. In addition to plaques, Padios received a total monetary reward of 140,000.00, and the DENR 6 regional office received 100,000.00.

Both Atty. Noel C. Empleo, DENR 6 ADR Focal Person, and Sonia Gimotea were recognized with plaques for their dedication to institutionalizing ADR within the department.

The selection process involved rigorous evaluation and interviews, assessing the quality, quantity, timeliness, and impact of the ADR services provided.

“Resolving land conflicts is part of our peacebuilding efforts, and the ADR mechanism is helping us make significant progress. These awards reflect our commitment to providing land for the landless and promoting sustainable development,” stated DENR Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran. (DENR-6)