Desalination is the future

By Francis Allan L. Angelo

Desalination, the process of removing salt and other impurities from seawater to produce potable water, has emerged as a viable solution for water-scarce regions. As urban centers and metropolises face increasing water shortages due to population growth, climate change, and the depletion of traditional water sources, desalination offers a potential remedy.

What are the pros of desalination?

-Abundant Supply: Oceans cover about 71% of the Earth’s surface, providing a virtually unlimited water source. Desalination taps into this vast resource, ensuring a consistent potable water supply.

-Drought Resilience: Unlike traditional water sources, desalinated water is not dependent on rainfall, which makes it a reliable option during droughts and in arid regions where freshwater sources are scarce.

-Improved Water Security: Desalination can reduce reliance on over-extracted rivers and groundwater, helping to preserve these critical ecosystems and maintain biodiversity.

-Technological Advancements: Recent innovations in desalination technology have made the process more energy-efficient and cost-effective. Reverse osmosis, for example, has become the most widely used method due to its efficiency.

-Economic Growth: By providing a stable water supply, desalination can support industrial growth, agriculture, and tourism, contributing to the overall economic development of a region.

As with any other concept and technology, desalination has its cons, such as energy consumption, management of brine discharge, and costs

But in the quest for sustainable and stable sources of potable water, desalination stands out as a promising solution for urban centers and metropolises grappling with water shortages.

As cities expand and populations soar, the water demand intensifies, straining traditional sources like rivers, lakes, and aquifers. Desalination bridges the gap between supply and demand, ensuring that growing urban populations have access to the water they need.

One of the most compelling arguments for desalination is its ability to provide a reliable water supply independent of rainfall. This resilience is invaluable in regions prone to droughts or naturally arid climates.

The desalination technology can also reduce the pressure on over-extracted freshwater sources, preserving them for future generations and maintaining ecological balance.

However, the path to widespread desalination adoption is not without hurdles. The high energy consumption associated with the process raises concerns about its environmental impact, particularly greenhouse gas emissions.

Investments in renewable energy sources for desalination plants are essential to address this concern. Solar and wind power can mitigate the carbon footprint, making desalination a greener option.

For one, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) engineers and collaborators developed a solar-powered device that avoids the salt-clogging issues of other designs.

The researchers estimate that if the system is scaled up to the size of a small suitcase, it could produce about 4 to 6 liters of drinking water per hour and last several years before requiring replacement parts. The system could make drinking water cheaper than tap water at this scale and performance.

Moreover, the environmental impact of brine discharge must be carefully managed. There are now innovations in brine disposal, such as creating saline wetlands or using brine in industrial processes, that can help minimize harm to marine ecosystems. Policymakers and engineers must work together to develop and implement these sustainable practices.

MIT researchers recently developed a process that could turn concentrated brine into valuable chemicals, making desalination more efficient.

The process can produce sodium hydroxide or caustic soda, which can pre-treat seawater entering the desalination plant. This process changes the acidity of the water, which helps to prevent fouling of the membranes used to filter out the salty water — a significant cause of interruptions and failures in typical reverse osmosis desalination plants.

From an economic perspective, while desalination is costlier than traditional methods, the long-term benefits of a stable water supply can outweigh the initial expenses. Desalination can drive economic growth by supporting industries, agriculture, and tourism, creating jobs and boosting local economies. Governments and private investors should consider these long-term gains when evaluating the feasibility of desalination projects.

Desalination presents a viable solution to the water shortages plaguing urban centers. By embracing technological advancements and prioritizing environmental sustainability, we can harness the power of desalination to secure our water future.

As we continue to face the challenges of climate change and resource depletion, desalination offers hope, ensuring that our cities remain vibrant and our populations thrive.