DOF secures funding for climate adaptation projects

By Francis Allan L. Angelo

Finance Secretary and People’s Survival Board (PSF) Chair Ralph G. Recto has signed five financing agreements for local climate adaptation projects, fully committing the PHP1 billion PSF budget.

This was marked by the approval of two new grant-funded projects in Cortes, Surigao del Sur, and Ilocos Norte, which will address climate resilience and sustainable agriculture.

“I congratulate the PSF Board and the LGUs for working hard to conceptualize and study the feasibility of these projects, thus turning them into a reality. Rest assured, the national government will be with you every step of the way––from streamlining the project proposal process to expediting fund utilization––so that we can fast-track our efforts towards achieving a climate-resilient Philippines,” Recto said during the signing ceremony on May 10, 2024, at the Department of Finance (DOF) office in Manila.


The financing agreements cover five significant climate adaptation projects totaling PHP 539.4 million:

-Eastern Samar: PHP 118 million for the reinforcement of the Lo-om River flood protection system in Borongan City and redevelopment for resilient communities and livelihoods.

-Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte: PHP 8.5 million for the sustainable management of river ecosystems.

-Mountain Province: PHP 271.1 million to establish a climate field school for farmers.

-Maramag, Bukidnon: PHP 126.4 million for a disaster risk reduction management approach to enhance the climate adaptive capacity of communities in the river ecosystem.

-Catanauan, Quezon: PHP 2.6 million for a Mangrove Rehabilitation Project.


The PSF Board, led by Chief-of-Staff and Climate Finance Policy Undersecretary Maria Luwalhati Dorotan Tiuseco, also approved two new projects:

  1. Cortes, Surigao del Sur: PHP 126.7 million for a comprehensive project to introduce climate-adaptive technologies in farming and fishing, establish runoff diversion canals, mangrove forests, ecotourism parks, and restore degraded coral reefs.
  2. Ilocos Norte: PHP 305.3 million for climate-resilient agricultural and natural resource management, including alternative water management systems, soil fertility restoration, sustainable agroforestry, and support systems strengthening.


With these additions, the PSF’s PHP 1 billion budget has been fully allocated across 13 projects and 6 Project Development Grants (PDGs). Some notable projects include:

-Lanuza, Surigao del Sur: PHP 39 million

-San Francisco, Camotes Islands, Cebu Province: PHP 30.8 million

-Gerona, Tarlac: PHP 38.1 million

-Sarangani Province: PHP 113 million

-Cabagan, Isabela: PHP 21.3 million

The PSF Board has requested an additional PHP 2 billion from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to fund other proposals aimed at combating climate change.


CCC Vice Chairperson Robert E.A. Borje lauded the PSF’s progress, emphasizing, “Over the years, we have seen the PSF project approval process further streamlined with each member agency sharing insights based on its technical expertise.

The CCC stands ready to further strengthen collaboration with the Board and its Secretariat, and project proponents, so that more local government units can access this domestic adaptation fund.”

The event saw participation from prominent figures including Mountain Province Governor Bonifacio C. Lacwasan Jr., Maramag, Bukidnon Mayor Jose Joel P. Doromal, and other local leaders.

With the full commitment of the PSF budget, the Philippines takes a significant step toward a climate-resilient future, ensuring that local government units are well-equipped to face the challenges posed by climate change.


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