DOLE-6 to investigate TUPAD workers’ complaints

Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)-6 OIC-Regional Director Atty. Sixto T. Rodriguez Jr vowed for an immediate investigation on a formal complaint on the alleged collection of processing fee from the wages of TUPAD (Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers) workers.

In a press statement, Rodriguez said the investigation will be conducted to protect the wages of the workers and the integrity of the program.

“There is no processing fee. We do not require that, and that is illegal because that is not in the guidelines,” Rodriguez emphasized. “The workers are entitled to every centavo of their wages.”

He also pointed out that the beneficiaries should only render community service to the barangays they are residing in.

The complaint stated that aside from the processing fee, the beneficiaries were made to render community service to a barangay that is outside of their residency.

“As per their formal complaints, the beneficiaries of this barangay were made to render their services in a different barangay. I do not know why they become a certified resident of Brgy A if they are residing in Brgy. B,” Rodriguez said.

He further explained that prior to the program implementation, TUPAD coordinators conduct orientation on the guidelines with the beneficiaries and the barangay officials.

Rodriguez assured the public that the Regional Office will protect the welfare of the informal sector.

“We will not tolerate any wrongdoings such as that because as far as we are concerned we are supposed to protect the rights of the workers and they are entitled to the full payment of their wages. No deductions at all, insofar as DOLE is concerned because we protect their wages.”

Rodriguez said that the investigation committee is already formed for a speedy resolution of the complaint. He also encouraged the TUPAD beneficiaries to call or visit the office for any offenses committed in the implementation of the program.

TUPAD is the flagship program of the Department of Labor and Employment under the leadership of Sec. Silvestre H. Bello III that provides emergency employment to the informal sector.