DOST-PCAARRD conducts Oyster Writeshop to strengthen Oyster R&D

Participants of the Oyster Writeshop conducted by MRRD of DOST-PCAARRD

Researchers and scientists focusing on the oyster commodity recently participated in a writeshop conducted by the Marine Resources Research Division (MRRD) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) on December 5-8, 2022 at the DAP Conference Center in Tagaytay on a hybrid platform – face to face and via zoom.

Researchers and scientists who whysically participated — Dr. Philip Ian Padilla and Dr. Jose Peralta of UP Visayas; Dr. Ricardo Severo, Jr. of Samar State University (SSU); Ms. Jocelyn Ladja from the private sector; Mr. Exequiel Gabriel Dizon of UP Diliman Marine Science Institute (UPD MSI); Mr. Raymond Rodolfo and Mr. Hillel Cabria of Agricultural Sustainability Initiatives for the Nature (ASIN); and Mr. Roy Ortega of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-National Brackishwater Fisheries Technology Center (BFAR-NBFTC) were joined on zoom by Dr. Rolando Pakingking, Jr., and Dr. Junemie Lebata-Ramos of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) and Ms. Ernestina Peralta of UP Visayas.

Dr. Mari-Ann M. Acedera, MRRD Director, welcomed the participants, then it was followed by discussions on the development of the Oyster Farming Manual for Growout Culture, the Philippines Recommends for Oyster, updates on the Oyster Proceedings, and review of the ISP Roadmap for Oyster.

Through this activity, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials are expected to be produced that will help our researchers, experts, and local fisherfolks to gain more knowledge about the management and conservation of this resource. (Hannah May B. Odemer, DOST-PCAARRD S&T Media Services)