DOST VI hails 3 of its scholars for topping 2021 licensure exams

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Region VI lauded three of its scholars for topping the recently concluded Chemical Engineer Licensure Examination and Fisheries Technologist Licensure Examination, both administered by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) this year.

Elizalde Miguel S. Flores, a BS Chemical Engineering graduate from the University of the Philippines – Visayas (UPV), ranked 5th place in the 2021 Chemical Engineer Licensure Examination, garnering an average score of 82.20%.

Flores graduated as the UPV’s valedictorian of Class 2020, earning the distinction by graduating with the highest GWA of 1.329, magna cum laude.

Moreover, Flores is also a Merit DOST-SEI Scholar Batch 2015.  Formerly known as the NSDB or NSTA Scholarship, the DOST-SEI Merit Scholarship Program begun in 1958 where scholars pursue priority courses in the basic sciences, engineering, other applied sciences and science and mathematics teaching at identified universities.

Meanwhile, Geraldine Mae D. Olaer and Jeremiah I. Diaz, both graduated with a degree in BS Fisheries from the UPV, topped the 2021 Fisheries Technologies Licensure Examination.  Olaer who ranked 3rd place garnered an average score of 84.25% while Diaz garnered 84.00% placing him on the 4th spot.

Both Olaer and Diaz were Republic Act No. 7687 DOST-SEI Scholar Batch 2015.  Also known as the Science and Technology Scholarship Act of 1994, the RA 7687 provides for scholarships to talented and deserving students whose families’ socio-economic status do not exceed the set cut-off values of certain indicators.  Qualifiers must pursue priority fields of study in the basic sciences, engineering, other applied sciences and science and mathematics teaching.

DOST-SEI scholars are required to render service in the country preferably along their fields of specialization after graduation for a period equivalent to the number of years they enjoyed the scholarship as a return service. SEI maintains its resolve that this strategy allows the country’s industries to have “the best minds” to do their services and products.

The DOST Region VI continues its efforts in implementing the various S&T scholarship programs in the region intended to ensure a steady and adequate supply of qualified S&T human resource which can steer the country towards national progress. (JJMoleño/SSalazar/DOST VI – KMU)