DTI-BPS prevents use of damaged imported automotive safety glass

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), through the Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS), has prevented the use of nine (9) pieces of damaged imported automotive safety glass worth Php36,000 that was initially applied for Import Commodity Clearance (ICC).

The said automotive safety glass were supposed to be utilized by the importer as replacement for their company vehicles’ glass. However, they were found with cracks during inspection conducted by the BPS-recognized inspection body. As such, the DTI-BPS, as agreed by the importer, ordered for the total destruction of the products.

DTI-BPS’ Product Certification Officer Engr. Rose Ann Alcantara witnessed the destruction of the automotive safety glass at the importers’ warehouse in Quezon City. The glass products were totally shattered using a forklift.

Automotive safety glass is one of the 111 products and systems currently covered under the BPS’ Mandatory Product Certification Schemes (www.bps.dti.gov.ph/product-certification/list-of-productsunder-mandatory-certification). The regulated products are classified into three (3) major product groups, namely, 1/ Electrical and Electronic Products, 2/ Mechanical/Building & Construction Materials, and 3/ Chemical & Other Consumer Products and Systems.

The DTI-BPS implements two (2) Mandatory Product Certification Schemes: the Philippine Standard (PS) Quality and/or Safety Certification Mark Licensing Scheme and the ICC Certification Scheme. Products covered by the mandatory certification, whether locally manufactured or imported, are not allowed to be distributed in the Philippine market without the necessary PS or ICC marks.

For more updates and information on standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures (STRACAP), please visit the BPS website at www.bps.dti.gov.ph. Emails and messages may also be sent to [email protected] or through the official BPS Facebook page (facebook.com/PHstandards).