Ex-police is new disaster risk head of Iloilo province

By Rjay Zuriaga Castor

A former director of the Iloilo Police Provincial Office (IPPO) will be the new head of the Iloilo province’s Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO).

Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor Jr. confirmed to the media that Senior Superintendent Cornelio Salinas and former director of the IPPO will be the new chief of the PDRRMO effective this December, succeeding Dr. Jerry Bionat.

“The PDRRM officer is also the Provincial Civil Defense (ProCid) officer. Gin-widen na natun ang PDRRMO because we have the ProCid service. We are now working closely with the reservists of the military and the police. Amo na ang orientation ta subong for disaster response,” Defensor explained when asked about Salinas’s selection as the new PDRRMO chief.

The governor emphasized that Salinas is the best person for the job, highlighting that the responsibilities of ProCid also include maintaining peace and order.

“If you can see, there is no such thing as the Department of the Interior and Local Government here in the province. That is why gin expand natun para nga ma improve and trabaho ta sa peace and order,” he said.

Defensor pointed out that with Salinas’ background, he can effectively collaborate with the police and military in maintaining peace and order.

“[We need someone who has] experience maguyat sang tawo because we [started hiring members for] the ProCid group, that is a unit nga mangin security sang province, but more than civil security, they are multirole responders,” the governor noted.

In responding to crises and emergency situations, the ProCid group will have areas of specialization, such as personnel for health, environment, security, engineering, among others.

Defensor has formalized the ProCiD through Executive Order 173 Series of 2021, aiming to enhance and concentrate initiatives in response to crises and emergencies. The ProCid also aims to bolster the province’s disaster risk reduction and management programs.


Salinas was one of the 19 top police officials ordered for dismissal from service by the Office of the Ombudsman on June 2, 2015, due to a violation of Section 3 (e) of Republic Act 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) received the dismissal order on Nov. 5, 2015, and issued it to Salinas on Nov. 9, 2015.

Aside from his dismissal, Salinas also faced supplementary penalties such as perpetual disqualification from government service reemployment, loss of retirement benefits, and revocation of civil service eligibility.

Salinas’ dismissal was related to an alleged irregularity in the procurement of 16 police coastal crafts worth P4.54 million in 2009. At that time, Salinas served as a member of the PNP Maritime Group’s Bids and Awards Committee that approved the emergency purchase of the coastal crafts.

In January 2018, the 13th Division of the Court of Appeals ordered Salinas’ reinstatement alongside two other police officials.

His reinstatement overturned and dismissed the charges against him, resulting in the dismissal of the grave misconduct complaint and the lifting of all associated supplementary penalties.

This also mandated the compensation of his salaries and other entitlements for the duration when he was not in service following the Ombudsman’s order.