Who will you vote for if you don’t have the facts? How many times have you been attacked online because you challenged a lie?
You are not alone.
“Without facts, you can’t have truth,” said Nobel laureate and Rappler CEO Maria Ressa, who is spearheading a new coalition. “Without truth, you can’t have trust. Without trust, we have no shared reality, and no democracy.”
To protect our elections and our democracy, we need to protect the facts.
Join more than 100 groups, coalitions, media, civil society organizations, business groups, the Church, research groups, and legal organizations that are working together around a first-of-its-kind initiative called “FactsFirstPH.
FactsFirstPH brings together various sectors that are committed to promoting truth in the public space, and exacting accountability from those who harm it with lies.
On Wednesday, January 26, 2022, [put your group name here] will come together, along with technology partners Google News Initiative, Meedan, and Rappler to take a stand together and protect the facts.
You can do something now!
Bring your super power in our nation’s “Avengers, Assemble” moment. The goal: to make truth spread faster and further than lies and hate. This collective effort is the first of its kind, a four-layer approach, to help restore the integrity of our elections, and give you the information to choose the leaders you want on May 9.
To learn more about how you can be part of this movement, join #FactsFirstPH’s virtual event at 10 am on Wednesday, January 26 by registering here.
Be part of this movement.