Farmer faces homicide charges for ‘killing’ uncle, cousin in Dumarao

By Felipe V. Celino

ROXAS CITY, Capiz – A 25-year-old farmer is facing double homicide charges for stabbing to death his uncle and cousin Monday night, October 9, in Barangay Janguslob Dumarao, Capiz.

“Indi ko to hungod sir. Natam-an lang ako sa akon kahulugbon.” (It was not intentional. I was just too drunk)

This was the statement of Rolando Delojo Jr. to the police after he stabbed dead his uncle Robert Bibat and cousin Leogen Fresnido, all of Barangay Janguslob in Dumarao town.

Delojo said that he was already drunk when he proceeded to the slaughterhouse where he had another drinking binge with the victims.

He said that he had no bad intentions but a heated argument ensued between him and the victims that resulted in the stabbing episode.

“Wala ako sa insakto nga paminsaron sang ginhimo ko ang insidente,” he said, adding that he is asking forgiveness for what he did to the victims.

Delojo clarified that he had no grudges against his relatives and the only motive was that he was heavily drunk.

Police investigation indicated that the victims sustained fatal injuries in the chest and back portion of their bodies that resulted in their deaths.

Delojo is presently detained at Dumarao Municipal Police Station after he was collared in a police hot pursuit operation.