By Felipe V. Celino
ROXAS CITY, Capiz – A first-ever science-based engineered sanitary landfill was inaugurated on Thursday, June 9, in Brgy. Agcococ, Tapaz, Capiz.
The blessing and inauguration were led by Tapaz Mayor Roberto “Nonong” Palomar and local officials.
Undersecretary Benito Antonio De Leon of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) was the guest speaker of the said activity.
Also present was DENR Region VI Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran.
De Leon said the facility is above standard sanitary landfill approved by the Mines and Geo-sciences Bureau (MGB).
The sanitary landfill is a modern engineering landfill where waste is allowed to decompose into biologically and chemically inert materials in a setting isolated from the environment.
De Leon the landfill could serve as a model not only in Region 6 but in other places in terms of good governance and environmental leadership.
Palomar said that before he assumed mayor of Tapaz six years ago, there were no positive recognitions for the town. But the project could spur economic activities in the town, he added.