From Outer Space to Happy 

Let’s go to a different destination for a change. Space.

Astronauts need four things to survive in space:  OXYGEN, WATER, FOOD, and REST.  Of course, this doesn’t count the countless gizmos and gadgets needed to launch themselves into orbit and return home safely.  But when it comes down to the very basics, these four simple needs are what they need the most to live.

Needs that are too simple to notice on Earth, and yet complicated when in space.

The gases in space cannot support human life so oxygen supplies are brought up from the earth. Water supply and use are a bit more creative.  To create the electricity needed for spacecraft, NASA (or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) makes use of fuel cells.  These fuel cells convert hydrogen gas into electricity.  In the process, water is created when hydrogen is converted into electricity.  Astronauts must then be careful to conserve and recycle water if they are to stay for weeks in space.

The food has to be freeze-dried and complete in nutrients to meet health needs – which may not be tasty all the time.  Last but not least, rest.  Sleep is harder since there aren’t any beds and there are no sunsets to let your body know that it’s time to hit the sack.  Astronauts don blindfolds and sleep in sleeping bags strapped down so they don’t go bumping into objects in the spacecraft.

It all sounds cool till you realize just how complicated outerspace is.  It also makes you think about the essentials of life on earth.

And while we won’t be talking about food, shelter, and clothing (and we do know how badly we need those too!), we will be touching on what we all need to live a meaningful life here on earth:  GRATITUDE, PURPOSE, and FORGIVENESS.

  1. GRATITUDE – There is always something to be thankful for no matter where you are, how much you earn, or how complicated your life is.  Focus on everything that is going right in your life (instead of everything that has gone wrong).  Many of the world’s most successful icons who rose from poverty recall that one factor that led to their success is gratitude.  They would focus on how lucky they were that things were not worse (and they could have been worse!).  They trained their minds to see their glasses as half full instead of half empty.  For today, you woke up.  Your health isn’t as bad.  Your relationship could’ve gotten worse.  Your failure now means that there is a way for you to get it right the next time.  Seeing the good opens your eyes to opportunities that you would otherwise miss had you held onto negative beliefs.
  2. PURPOSE – Finding your purpose has no timeline. You could be 20, 57, or even 70!  When you find your true purpose in life, everything you do will begin to make sense.  What is your purpose in life, you might ask?  Think of what makes you get up every morning.  Is it family? A goal?  A desire to provide?  What’s a skill or talent you’ve been wanting to share?  Donate time, money, or talent to those in need.  Listen to feedback and explore your interests. Are there injustices that have been bothering you?  Your purpose is something you have a passion for.  It may not be the most financially rewarding according to society’s standards, but it’s something that motivates you despite the difficulties you may face.
  3. FORGIVENESS – We’ve all been hurt and harmed by someone else (or even by ourselves or someone close to us). Forgiveness may mean different things to different people.  What it isn’t is overlooking the harm done or forgetting that this person caused you hurt.  Instead, forgiveness is a decision to let go of resentment, anger, and bitterness.  The hurt will be with you.  But forgiveness is allowing the negative emotions to lessen their grip.  It’s not allowing that situation to have so much control over you.  Letting go of the grudge not only improves mental health and lessens anxiety.  It also improves self-esteem.

Gratitude, purpose, and forgiveness all lead to happiness.  You deserve to be happy simply because you’ve been given this one shot at life.  Live right. Live with thanks. Live with determination.  Live with happiness.


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NEARSOL is a US-based BPO and service company that offers clients custom-design solutions. It began operations in 2006 and has since gained a strong presence in the Latin American regions, the Caribbean, and the Asia Pacific, winning numerous awards for quality and service along the way. Most recent of which is its Great Place to Work-Certified™ Recognition.

The Great Place to Work-Certified™ Recognition is a global accreditation that tells stakeholders what employees think of the company culture.  In brief, it says a lot about the happiness and productivity index in NEARSOL.  Certification means people are happy working here and that leadership trust is palpable and real.

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