
By Eireen Manikan

Some are born leaders, while some are born to influence leaders.  Of the two, and if history has taught us anything, it is the latter that spells the difference for in judgement hour, their opinion is the one that will matter.  If you ever find yourself in a position of being a confidante or an influencer to a powerful individual, please do not take it lightly as the outcome of your decision may have life-changing effects.  Also be humble and ascertain if you are capable of giving out judgements and push for decisions that may be beyond your realm. That your only qualification is you know the secret gender preference of the principal.

Confidants have been known to make or unmake history.  They have brought down great empires and caused havoc among nations because of pushing for agenda only they can benefit.  Who has not heard of Rasputin, the closest “adviser” of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra and was believed to be a contributor in the fall of the Romanov dynasty. Joseph Goebbels, one of Hitler’s inner circle, helped him consolidate his power and propagated Nazi belief by using his power as Minister of Propaganda. As chief propagandist, Hitler listened to his advice on how to crush anti-German activities and people.

Wives and mistresses can be powerful decision-shapers too. As charismatic as Bill Clinton is, it is believed that most of his moves are Hillary-approved.  You can see the greatness of her influence when she was given an office in the West Wing and was visibly involved in policy-making during her husband’s stint. Who did not envy Wallis Simpson when a future king, Edward VIII, abdicated for her? There were also talks that Edward’s friendship with Hitler was influenced by the love of his life. Fast forward to the present generation, and we see King Charles calm down when Camilla ‘whispers’ to him.

Truly, no one can underestimate the ability of the confidants when it comes to influencing decisions of people in position. This is all sugar and everything nice when they yield positive outcomes.  When the decision impacts development or a movement towards a greater direction. Disastrous of epic proportions it will be if it harms others or the ‘kingdom’ in which the principal rules over.

To the God-whisperers of today, allow me to make a few reminders:

  1. Be big. It is not about you. The decisions that will be made will matter to future generations and to the kingdom’s present and future welfare. To make it about you and push for your agenda is belittling the kingdom and what the leader can do for everyone and not just for a few of you.
  2. Give options. There is a reason that he/she is the leader and you are not. Trust the celestial bodies in that and know that the principal is capable in making decisions, but as a human, is prone to doubts and indecisiveness at times, hence seeking your opinion/advice.
  3. Ensure his longevity. And to do so means he has to be loved by the people whom he governs. This can only be done if you are loved by his people too.
  4. Know your place. He/She was made a God for a reason. Same as you. There is no inter-changing the courses of your fate. To put your imprint in the decisions all the time is greatly undervaluing the capacity of everyone involved in these dynamics. Manipulating Gods is almost always a knee-jerk temptation but try to control yourself and appreciate the outcome sans your intervention at times.

Main reveal: I used to be one. Twice. Main Take-aways: First, you will always be haunted by the outcomes that will affect the lives of others, so never underestimate the power of your suggestions when major decisions are made. Second, the personality of the “God” plays heavily in the way he/she receives whispers or suggestions; know it but refrain from manipulating. Last and alas, he is a figurative God thus will not stay in power eternally, so will you. Bear that in mind.