Home NEWS NEGROS Group mulls signature drive for NEPC franchise

Group mulls signature drive for NEPC franchise

Group mulls signature drive for NEPC franchise
Power Watch secretary-general Wennie Sancho

By Dolly Yasa

BACOLOD CITY—Wennie Sancho, secretary-general of Power Watch Negros, announced plans to launch a signature campaign among Central Negros Electric Cooperative (Ceneco) consumers, urging the Senate to expedite the approval of a franchise for Negros Electric and Power Corporation (NEPC).

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Sancho emphasized the urgency of the situation. “We, the consumers, are in a better position to convince the Senate because we are the ones most affected by the incessant power outages caused by the obsolete and dilapidated equipment of Ceneco,” he stated.

In addition to the signature campaign, Sancho reported that Ceneco’s management and board would be requested to address the Senate concerning the same issue.

On the same day, Sancho convened a Power Consumers Conference, where a position paper was issued regarding the NEPC franchise. He argued that much of the power equipment at Ceneco currently suffers from inadequate maintenance, which hampers critical operations.

“Power Watch Negros had previously warned Ceneco to address these issues before they worsen. Our concerns were ignored. Now, our only hope lies in the granting of the NEPC franchise,” Sancho expressed.

Describing the potential new franchise, he remarked, “NEPC is like a beacon of hope during the darkest hours for Ceneco consumers. It is the only salvation that could prevent Ceneco’s impending collapse.”

Sancho vividly described the frequent power interruptions: “The brownouts have become an unwelcome guest at home, occurring with dreadful consistency. During the dead of night, particularly past midnight, we live in the darkness of the darkest night. The oppressive heat makes life unbearable. We do not deserve this kind of injustice.”

He also noted that the recurring power outages have led to significant human suffering and anguish.

“We cannot merely sit as spectators and refuse to address the root causes of these power outages. We shall act to mitigate their devastating impact. As member-consumer-owners of Ceneco, we demand that the NEPC franchise be granted before the relentless power outages cause irreparable harm to the consumers,” he added.