Guimaras’ year on year inflation rate escalated to 2.9 percent in October 2019 from previous month’s 2.3 rate due to the annual price increment on food and non-food items except for Transport which fall by 1.3 percent and the unchanged value of Communication with 99.9 index.
The food and non-food commodity items which contributed to the 2.9 inflation rate were:
- Food and Non- Alcoholic Beverages, (1.9%)
- Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, (19.9%)
- Clothing and Footware (3.4%)
- Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Other Fuels (4.3%)
- Furnishings, Household Equipment & Routine Maintenance of the House (1.2%)
- Health (1.8%)
- Recreation and Culture (3.7%)
- Education (1.3%)
- Restaurant and Miscellaneous Goods and Services (3.6%)
However, based on the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) results, October 2019 inflation rate dropped by 0.3 percent caused by the decrement on Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (-0.7%); Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Other Fuels (-0.3%); and Recreation and Culture (-0.5%).
Faster price movements were noticed in the items of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco with a rate of change of 0.8 percent from 256.3 to 258.3 index and Transport with 0.5 rate from 100.1 to 100.6 index.
Meanwhile, the remaining six items (Clothing & Footwear; Furnishings, Household Equipment & Routine Maintenance of the House; Health; Communication; Education; and Restaurant and the Miscellaneous Goods and Services) displayed steady indices in September to October 2019. (PSA)