Guv downplays show cause order against tourism officer

Negros Occidental governor Eugenio Jose Lacson

By Dolly Yasa

BACOLOD CITY – Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson said he does not consider the show cause order issued against Provincial Tourism Officer Cheryl Decena a significant issue.

“You know, for me, I don’t consider it a big deal,” the governor told reporters on Monday.

Decena was reportedly issued a show cause order to liquidate advances as Mambukal Resort Officer-in-Charge.

Lacson added that it is no big deal “because it’s just reminding the personnel of Mambukal to liquidate because we have a deadline.”

He noted that the liquidation should have been completed by the end of last year.

“It is just reminding them that there are unliquidated advances that need to be liquidated,” Lacson reiterated.

He emphasized that this situation involves not just Decena but other employees in the office as well. “They just have to liquidate; you are mandated to liquidate,” the governor said.

When asked if the amount in question is P30 million, the governor replied, “I don’t think it is P30 million. Sorry, I don’t have the figures. Maybe I should ask already how much is involved or still unliquidated.”