Mushroom in colors white, yellow, gray, and pink, varying from the size of a fist to wider than a human’s head. This miraculous fungi gives lots of benefits to the body, which includes prevention of illnesses and boosting of immune system. These mushrooms became not just a help in health for everyone but also delivers good fortune in Myrna’s life.
Mushroom is not easy to cultivate. There are several procedures to follow thus it needed focus and should be hands-on. From building the protein bags to sterilizing and packaging the finished products.
Investing on right thing
In 14 years in the mushroom business, Myrna Alonsagay, a resident of Trece Martires City, Cavite, built a remarkable journey from scratch.
Myrna was a plain housewife while her husband is a Pastor when she found out about mushroom business that has been introduced to her by her friend from Taiwan. She later discovered CARD Bank, Inc., and from there, the loan she got helped her expand her business.
After years of running her business, she was transferred to CARD SME Bank so she can avail of large amount for her business to grow more.
Inspired to strive more
Business will not always be successful in the first try. Problems transpired and there were always be trials and errors. Those hindrances didn’t stop Myrna and her husband to learn the ins and outs of the business. It helped them seek more knowledge to handle challenges.
“Dedication, passion, and hard work are some of the values a businessman must have in order to stay and be successful in their business,” Myrna said.
As her business continually flourish, she was introduced to Mga Likha ni Inay, the retail marketing arm of CARD MRI. This introduction paved the way to more opportunities for her business.
“I am very much thankful to Mga Likha ni Inay for guiding me in creating a stable business and helping me in promoting my products to a bigger market.”
MLNI sets the stage for the goods of CARD MRI microfinance clients in the mainstream market to help them and their products be known in bigger markets.
As they gain more experience and knowledge, they started to innovate their products, a good sign of being a good entrepreneur. No wonder, this helped them gain access to better opportunities.
Myrna sought new ways to innovate their mushroom products to keep attuned with changing taste buds of the consuming public. She didn’t hesitate to combine the mushroom with other products to make it mushroom-version of foods.
Incidentally, Myrna another farm in Amadeo, Cavite which she will turn the place into an Agrifarm in the future.
Partner to development
“I have a strong loyalty to CARD MRI because they didn’t stop from shaping a person in becoming the best that she can be. I am very much thankful for the trust that they gave me,” shared Myrna as she reminisced all the hardships she endured in her business.
“From plain housewife to a business owner. I personally want to send my deepest appreciation to CARD Bank and MLNI for believing in my skill, my business, and my products, and that I can do more,” Myrna said.
“I hope they will help more small entrepreneurs to be successful and more stories of achievement will be shared,” she concluded.