Home Credit hosts Wais na OFW roadshow

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) are long regarded as the nation’s modern-day heroes. Higher remittances from them allow us to give the Ilonggos greater services, which contributes to Iloilo City’s economic progress.

Along this line, Home Credit’s “Wais sa Home Roadshow” kicked off a 2-day Financial Literacy Session for pre-migration OFWs and their families along with different government and non-government organizations, and the Iloilo City Government last October 6-7, 2022 at the Iloilo City Hall.

PESO Iloilo City, ATIKHA (NGO) and the country’s leading consumer finance company, Home Credit Philippines, joined forces to conduct the 2-day event entitled “Enhance Financial Literacy towards Economic Empowerment of Migrant Workers in ASEAN.”

Thirty Pre-Migration families participated in the event. This program aimed to help OFWs achieve financial resilience by teaching them about the basics of budgeting and saving, how to use digital tools to manage finances, how to protect oneself from fraud and scams, and how they can build their credit.

In line with Home Credit’s mission to empower Filipinos to live the lives they want now, this financial literacy event is Home Credit’s way to honor hardworking OFWs and their families– helping empower them to become more financially resilient and wise.


As the country’s leading consumer finance company, Home Credit Philippines is bringing its flagship financial literacy and community empowerment programs, in Iloilo City this October.

Through its accessible and equitable, online and offline consumer financing products and services, Home Credit has offered Filipinos the best one-stop shop for all their consumer financing needs for over 9 years now across the Philippines.

True to its mission to empower people to live the life they want to live now, Home Credit is bringing its #WaisSaHome and #AlagangHome programs across the country through its Wais sa Home Credit National Roadshow—starting with Iloilo City this October.

Wais Sa Home is Home Credit Philippines’ financial literacy program that hopes to provide financial literacy know-how for every Filipino. Through this initiative, we will talk about the basics of budgeting and saving, how to use digital tools to manage finances, and how to protect oneself from fraud and scams.

Alagang Home is Home Credit Philippines’ Corporate Social Responsibility programs that hopes to support different causes and advocacies of its communities.

Through this initiative, we will be supporting its growing community of e-gamers, bikers, and LGBTQ+ community in Iloilo City with a series of co-created activities and you can support and join.

Watch out for Home Credit’s Iloilo Ro this October and looking forward to support! Ilonggos’ trusted ally, #ParaSaLife! Home Credit Philippines