How the Holy Eucharist keeps us from sin

By Engr. Carlos V. Cornejo

Does the Holy Eucharist keep us not only from future punishment (Hell) but also from future sins?  If we make good use of it, yes, says St. Thomas of Aquinas. It is the most effective weapon to conquer sin along with regular prayer and confession.  St. Thomas says our bodies are preserved from death in two ways.  First, by food and medicine and second, by being protected from deadly attacks (by men or beasts).  The same thing can be said of our soul with the Holy Eucharist.  It strengthens the soul as food strengthens the body, and protects the soul from attacks of the devil, who wants us to commit sin.

Sin is the worst thing in life, because it separates us from God, who is the best thing in life.  Nothing is a more powerful enemy of sin than God Himself.  Hidden behind the appearances of the Holy Eucharist is God Himself, in Person.  Therefore, the Holy Eucharist is the most powerful enemy of sin.  Whatever is the most powerful enemy or the opposite of the worst thing in life, is the best thing in life.  Therefore, the Holy Eucharist is the best thing in life.

We do have enemies; the word is used literally hundreds of times in the Psalms.  They are demons.  If you don’t believe in demons and that they are powerful enemies that the Bible, the Church, the saints and Christ Himself tells us then, Christ, the saints, the Bible and the Church would be liars.  Science and modern psychology don’t believe in demons.  Why would we expect them to?  They don’t believe in the spiritual life anyway.

If you feel your faith is weak, or your hope or your courage or your love for God the Holy Eucharist is the Food that will strengthen you.  Nothing can compare with it—no efforts on our part, no psychological techniques, no matter how good they are—can possibly compare with Jesus Christ Himself in Person.  When assailed by temptations from spiritual enemies, do you succumb easily, without much struggle?  Do you seldom win?  Here is the answer.  It will not end your struggles (we always have to struggle against sin up to the end of our lives), but it will end your habitual defeats.  Demons may laugh at your powers and your virtues but they do not laugh at Christ.  Demons tremble in His presence as narrated in the Gospels.

Do you want to become strong?  Do you want to become a saint?  Put all your trust in Him, in His Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist and in your soul after you receive Him.  Ask yourself:  Do I really believe that Jesus Christ Himself is really, fully, personally there, when I receive Him, in my body and soul?  What a power we have!  How simple it is!  He is really there!  If you believe this, you might not become holy instantly, but your life will be transformed.  Thus, we need to receive Him as often as we can, because as our body needs food regularly, so does our soul.