Home OPINION ABOVE THE BELT Iloilo bankers: Power outage affects our health, security

Iloilo bankers: Power outage affects our health, security

Iloilo bankers: Power outage affects our health, security

By Alex P. Vidal

“Around every corner, always protect the engine that powers you.”—Dwayne Johnson

THE ever-reticent banking sector has broken its silence and joined the fray in assailing the series of massive power outages in Panay Island, Guimaras, and portions of Negros after New Year 2024.

In a letter to Iloilo City Mayor Geronimo “Jerry” Trenas dated January 8, 2024, Bankers Association of Iloilo, Inc. president Gabriel “Gaby” F. Lim expressed “dissatisfaction” over the power interruptions on January 2 to 5, 2024.

“As we all know that we are the Banking Sector plays (sic) as one of the vital roles of the economy of the (sic) Iloilo city,” Lim told Treñas. “We provide the day-to-day credit and finance requirements of the public.”

“As what had happened to during the 1st banking day of the year 2024, allow me to share relevant Banking Aspects heavily compromised because of the incident.

Lim said in terms of security, their equipment “not functioning as to its function to pre-empt possible lawless activities e.g. burglary, fire, etc.”

In terms of physical and mental health of the banking associates, Lim said “high blood pressures, experiencing anxiety attacks due to lack of sleep and physically tired to function normally over the period.”

The bank machines and equipment also “suffered possible damages that can affect day-to-day operations,” Lim said.

He said they also incurred operational expenses and “possible losses of the banks.”


Lim added there were “additional unprojected expenses for fuel, machineries replacement and repairs.”

“Banks cannot maximize servicing financial needs of the public due to the limitations set during the outage,” explained Lim. “Limited over the Counter Transactions and ATMs not functioning due to power capacity provided.”

Lim told Treñas they “cannot deny the fact that Iloilo City is one of the fastest growing cities as to the economy, improvements, structures, and developments. Our power demand is increasing and in need of a much-stabilized power to sustain that can ensure business continuity and development in the region.”

Lim suggested: “As to what had happened last April 2023 and January 2024, we are now asking for a strong and appropriate attention to the handling Power Corporations, Regulatory Agencies, and our National Government to address immediately regulations needed to be properly implemented.”

Lim said, “Facilities and Equipment needed to be replaced and upgraded and enhanced the Transmission and Distribution Structural facilities to meet and accommodate the load requirements of the region.”


STINKS. Vancouver, British Columbia is one of the top three best cities in the world but based on my personal experience, the corner Main and Hastings streets in downtown is also one of the most dangerous places in Canada. It is the haven of drug addicts and prostituted women left and right. The government tolerates drug addiction because it provides needles to the dregs of society. Canada considers drug addiction as health issue, not a crime. This part of Vancouver stinks!

EAT LESS, REMEMBER MORE. Overweight people who reduced their calorie intake by 30 percent a day scored 20 percent higher on a word-based memory test than they had before dieting. The dieters had lower levels of glucose and insulin in their blood–factors linked to earlier studies to improved brain function, says the research at the University of Munster, Germany.

EATING FATTY FISH ONCE A WEEK lowers men’s risk for heart failure. Fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, whitefish and char contain omega-3 fatty acids. One weekly three-ounce serving of any of these fish reduced heart failure risk by 12 percent, according to Dr. Emily Leviatan of Cardiovascular Medical Center in Boston.

SEXUAL-HEALTH CHECKLIST. 1. Lift weight 3x a week. Not only will we gain muscle, but sexual satisfaction will also follow as well. 2. Open our mind. Increasingly, women are doing just that in their sex practices. Don’t let her leave us behind. 3. Presence, transcendence, and authenticity trump lust in the good-sex game. 4. Expand our social networks. 5. Emotional connection-even with casual partners-means better sex.

YES, I DRINK DR. PEPPER. During his downtime at a Waco, TX drugstore, pharmacist Charles Alderton liked to fiddle with recipes for syrup-sweetened sodas. His most crowd-pleasing concoction–a nose-tickling blend of 23 fruity flavors that Alderton dubbed Dr. Pepper–caught on fast and became one of the first fizzy fountain drinks. The popular pop is an American original. I drink it if I can’t find any Pepsi or Coke.

SAVING THE PLANET. Glassy eyed. Glass is excellent for recycling because there are many different grades to work through before it reaches the point where it can no longer be recycled. Let’s make sure to separate different colored glass and don’t include metal bottle tops or corks that can contaminate the process.

(The author, who is now based in New York City, used to be the editor of two daily newspapers in Iloilo.—Ed)