Home BANNER NEWS Iloilo City achieves ASF-free status

Iloilo City achieves ASF-free status

Iloilo City achieves ASF-free status
The value of more than 96,000 hogs that were either culled, died from natural causes or ASF, or were sold at a lower price is estimated at almost P1 billion. (Photo courtesy of DA-6)

By Mariela Angella Oladive

Iloilo City has triumphantly emerged as free from African Swine Fever (ASF), now designated a pink zone or buffer zone, in accordance with the Department of Agriculture (DA) guidelines.

Mayor Jerry Treñas announced the ASF-free declaration via Executive Order No. 49, which complies with the stipulations of DA Administrative Order No. 30 from 2021.

“The Executive Order has declared our city free from ASF, marking a significant achievement for all of us! While the negative impact on our localized swine industry has occurred in the past, today we celebrate that our community is now ASF-free,” Treñas said in a post on his official Facebook page.

After receiving the necessary documentation, including ordinances, farm registries, and ASF historical accounts, DA Regional Director Dennis Arpia sanctioned Iloilo City’s Local Declaration for ASF Freedom.

To achieve this status, a Local Government Unit (LGU) must have no ASF cases for a minimum of 40 days, enforce ASF preventative measures, register swine farms, and comply with recovery procedures.

“Now, we are just waiting for the memo from the DA regarding the city’s zonal progression. Once it becomes a pink zone, we can lift restrictions,” said Iloilo City Veterinarian Office (ICVO) head Fernando Abulencia in an interview.

The shift to a Pink Zone signifies a progression from an outbreak area to a controlled buffer zone, mandating strict inspection for incoming hogs and pork products.

Abulencia confirmed no new ASF occurrences since December 2022, following exhaustive testing on livestock and piggeries.

“There is still no effective vaccine that has been approved by the government agency, but we are waiting,” he added.

DA Administrative Order No. 6 of 2021 specifies zoning for ASF-impacted locales. Red Zones indicate ASF presence, Pink Zones serve as adjacent buffer areas, and Yellow Zones are high-density swine and pork trade areas at risk.

Abulencia previously explained that the city cannot proceed to the Yellow Zone directly. The DA will be the one to announce the change in status and issue a certification on the progress of zoning.

He mentioned the possibility for the city to upgrade to Yellow Zone status if it remains free of ASF outbreaks or cases for 40 days, with the following requirements to be submitted to the DA under the guidelines: narrative report on Commencement of Repopulation Procedures, including negative disease monitoring reports and surveillance test results; and Results of Bi-annual conduct of ASF Surveillance.